chapter three

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-cle pob-
I run to y/n and help them up.
They are very beautiful, even while laying on the cold detention floor.
I zoned out while looking at y/n, they're so pretty/handsome.
After a minute of just staring at y/n, I snap out of zoning out.
Mr Jo is still standing in the classroom. I'm very lucky to be the principals son, so I'm going to ask my parents to fire mr Jo. Pushing students.. tshh, that shouldn't be aloud.

I walk up to my mum and she asks me what's up. I tell her about Mr Jo pushing y/n and she gets mad. Y/n is my mum's favourite student, so Mr Jo is being fired immediately.

Mr Jo grabs his stuff from the teachers lobby(?) And leaves. I and Y/n wave at him.

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