They believe that when he dies, the Kyuubi will emerge and destroy the village again, so they want to end him quickly.

        That's one of the reasons Naruto isn't to leave his hospital room... People may feel the need to... Take care of him...

        Sasuke waved his hand in front of my face. I smiled sheepishly as a blush shone furiously on my cheeks.

        "Eh... Sorry Sasuke-kun... I was just thinking." My smile dropped slightly and I gently traced circles on my slightly protruding stomach.

        "Hn... Let's just finish shopping. I have training to do." My frown deepened slightly, but I converted it to a smile.



Tsunade's POV:

        I rubbed my temples irritably and took a swig of my sake. The lights in my office were off and my head was throbbing. The damn council gives me a headache.

        They want to execute both Naruto and Sasuke. At the meetings, I try to convince the damn fools that they're not dangerous, Naruto anyways. Sasuke... I'm not sure about.

        Naruto is the one who wanted Sasuke to have another chance. He said Sasuke was so focused on revenge that he couldn't think straight. Naruto was practically on his knees, begging me to give him a second chance.



        Through the one-way glass, I could see a black haired boy chained to the prison wall with a cloth covering his eyes.

        "Tsunade-sama...." I peered over at the stone door that was slightly propped open. A man, around thirty years if age, was bowing to me respectively.

        "What is it?" He rose from his bow and politely continued.

        "It's Naruto. He wishes to speak with you." I took a quick gulp of my sake and slouched my shoulders slightly.

        "Let him in."

        A blond teen with bright blue eyes walked in with a determined look in his eyes. I sat in an uncomfortable bench and leaned my elbows on my knees with my sake bottle dangling carelessly in my palms.

        "Tsunade-baa-chan...." He glanced at the blindfolded Uchiha and clenched his fists.

        "What is it Naruto?"

        "I came to ask...." I openly gaped at his formality. Is... Is this really Naruto?! He knelt on one knee and bowed his head respectively. "If you could give Sasuke-teme another chance."

        "It's not just my decision, Naruto." He punched the floor lightly.

        "It's not his fault... I mean-- It is his fault for going rouge, but the elders were the ones that ordered the Uchiha clan to be massacred."

        "While that may be true, he is still a threat to the village." Naruto looked me in the eye.

        "I'll keep him in line." I closed my eyes and set my bottle of alcohol besides me.

        "Are you sure? If anything happens to you..."

        "Nothing's going to happen to me anytime soon." He smiled cheekily. "I still have to become Hokage!" I rolled my eyes.

        "I'll see what I can do."

End of Flashback~~~~~~


        Peering at the paperwork that piled high on my desk, I grabbed the one nearest to me and skimmed over it quickly. It was some kind of alliance with this place I've never even heard of... I'll ask Shizune later. I tossed it aside and grabbed the next document.

        "This is stupid..." I shoved the pile away from me and leaned back into my chair. Spinning my chair around, I looked outside of the window.

        Outside, I could see all the roof tops and autumn trees with their golden leaves. The sun was setting slightly and some children were playing soccer in the park.

        One of the kids, a brown haired boy, kicked the ball straight into a tree and it hit him in his stomach. He hunched over, slightly out of breath, before he looked up at the worried gazes of his friends and smiled while scratching the back if his head and rubbing his tummy.

        Sighing, I turned away from the window and resumed my paperwork.

        The entire time, I couldn't help but compare Naruto to that boy...


XxXWeAsHumanXxX: Thanks for reading!

This chapter is dedicated to:

Cherryp14 and Electricitydragon

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