better than that brother of his

6 0 0

"Have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Victorious is coming here for a tour and I even heard that they were moving here permanently. How cool would that be"

"Seriously omg that's great the main singer so dreamy"

'Victorious isn't that the band Bokuto is in love with all cause of that song erm renegades I think it was called. I swear the only reason he likes it is because it say hey hey hey over and over.'

Sakusa thought to himself whilst walking towards his house which he was now right outside of

"Hey look its Victorious lead singer maybe we can finally see his face"


Sakusa turned around to be meeted by a panicked face. For some reason of which he is not aware of he reached out and grabbed the unknown man's hand and pulled him into his house locking the door after him.


The hooded man shouted

"Huh you seemed worried about people seeing your face so I brought you in my hous- ohhh"

Sakusa realised why he had reacted the way he did

"Ohhh. Dont act so clueless"

The man replied mocking sakusa at the beginning

"Yh sorry about that I'm seriously not trying to kidnap you- that sounds suspicious I'm not I promise you just looked like you needed help and I didnt think it though"

Sakusa explained trying his best not to panick the man

"Its fine I guess, but lay a finger on me and I'll break every bone in your body understood"

He said glaring at sakusa his eye being the only thing he can see right now

"Yep I get it. Anyway the names sakusa kiyoomi you."

He asked hanging his coat up and taking his mask off

"Sakusa kiyoomi where do I recognise that from"

Akaashi questioned

"Oh I play for the MSBY Jackles so if your a volleyball fan then I guess there"

Just as sakusa said that the other means phone went off.

He answered and put the phone next to his ear

"Oh I got followed by fans and some dude took me I to his house"
"Wait no I'm fine he was taking me away from the fans"
"Not like that dom"
"You want the address?"

Akaashi looked at sakusa who nodded

"Okay give us a sec"

Sakusa put the address into the phone and hung up 15 mins later


"I get it"

Sakusa stated

"And your are?"

The man at the door was asked but instead of an answer he barged past sakusa walking into the living room

"Dude what-"

Two others followed.
Sakusa looked back at the door to see a person standing in the doorway

"Sorry about that tow of them are worried about akaashi and the other has no idea what's going on"

They continued to say

'Its fine I gue- wait did you just say akaashi as in Akaashi kei"

Sakusa said whilst shutting the door behind lex who was looking at him weirdly

"Yes what does it matter to you do you know him or something"

Sakusa looked surprised and just stood there


Lex said waving his hand over the others face

"Oh shit erm sorry it's just that one of my teammates constantly go on about him-"

Sakusa started.


Lex and sakusa looked at reach other than ran into the living room as they were still by the door


Jason stared fanboying again whilst sakusa and lex sighed in relief


Akaashi shouted which shut him up

"Sorry keji"

Jason said pouting

"No not that face I wont fall for it again"

Akaashi said whilst Jason pouted and huffed and Dom, Lex and Iris laughed abit.

"So you're an Atsumu fan you really should have picked the other one he's a flirt"

Sakusa said

"He's great and better than that brother of his."

Jason said as Dom rested his arm on his shoulder

"Well I'm glad someone agrees with me."

A voice said from around the corner causing Victorious (the band) to jump

"Okay enough Miya you'll scare them"

Sakusa said crossing his arms

"Alright alright omi. Hello it is I Atsumu Miya"

He said whilst walking around the corner.

Jason froze he just stood there in silence his crush for like what 2 years was in the same room as him and well let's just say he was panicking.

"Holy shit"

Akaashi said


Atsumu said

"Holy shit. I thought you died"

Everyone but them two where confused. As Atsumu said that.

"No I just moved asshole. Also Jason's been real quiet"

He started smirking knowing full well what he's doing.

"I-erm-hi it's er nice to finally meet you."

Jason Somehow managed to say still looking red as ever

"You're adorable"

Atsumu stated chuckling.

~3 hours later~

Atsumu was flirting with a very and I mean VERY red jason

Sakusa and lex where talking on the sofa with akaashi chipping in every now and then

Dom and Iris were on the other sofa in there own world when a knock was heard at the door

"I'll get it"

Akaashi said whilst getting up opening the door and...

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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