"Buck? Natasha?"

Bucky sits up, looking at Steve who is trying to sit straight in bed, but grunts when he realizes he can't.

"Don't- don't to that, buddy." Bucky shoves him back onto the bed. "You've been shot. It's going to be sore for a while."

"Yeah, I know the feeling. I got shot before, remember?"

"Well, I-... Maybe..."

"You don't remember shooting me in the gut?" Steve jokes.

"Hey! That was low. And in my defense..."

"Stop it you guys. You sound like a married couple." Natasha woke up at the sound of them bickering. "Looks like you're both going to be just fine. I'm glad you're okay Steve."

"The doctors just told us that you're healing quickly because of the serum. So, you should feel fine in a few days." Natasha says.

Steve laughs carefully, trying not to hurt himself. But his expression quickly changes as he remembers what happened. It's like a veil that has lifted and all is clear again. The past few weeks are coming back slowly.

"Where is she?" His face darkens and is visibly disgusted.

"They locked her up, deep inside the castle. Apparently, they have a dungeon."

Steve sighs. "All this. It's my fault. I never should have let her in..."

"Steve, please stop for fuck's sake. Not you too." Replies Natasha. "This was nobody's fault. We should be thankful for Sam who noticed Lilly's intentions."

Steve's eyes fill with guilt as that memory starts flooding back. "I shot him. How is Sam? Is he okay?"

"Good news and bad news. He'll recover, but unfortunately, they couldn't save his personality. That's still as obnoxious as ever." Bucky jokes.

Natasha sighs. "You are the worst! I'm going to check on Sam so you both can talk." She gets up and walks out of the room.

"Sorry buddy for attacking you like that." Steve says when Natasha is gone.

"It's okay. At least I should have known if I was being mind-controlled." Bucky replies. "It's behind us now and she's been arrested. She's locked up here, deep in the bowels of Wakanda. When they're done with her, they are going to hand her over to the raft. Then she won't be able to hurt anyone anymore."

"That's fantastic news."

Bucky sits down. "I'm sorry for what I said."

"What do you mean?" asks Steve.

"About what I said you didn't look for me when I fell." He sighs. "I know you searched for me, and you can only search for so long before giving up and continue living. The past is the past, let's leave it there." He smiles.

"Thank you for understanding."

"Sure, that's what friends are for. And I get it."

"Get what?"

"The looks, the hair, the accent. It's actually pretty obvious. You lost the woman you love not so long ago. I think you were just trying to find someone to at least hang out with and have some fun."

"But she was nothing like her. Nobody can ever replace Peggy."

"I know. And she was a total badass."

"I think deep down I'm a bit envious about what you guys have."

"Don't be Steve. I'm sure there is someone out there for you."

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