"Okay, okay. Sorry..." He apologizes. We come across the street of Delmar's Deli-Grocery, right across from the bank.

"Woah." Ned lets out as we lay our eyes upon the crossed off, charred building surrounded by police and news reporters.

"You were here?" Ned asks us.

"Yeah..." Peter says.

"You could've died." Ned says with a worried expression on his face. Maybe he'll actually take this seriously.

"Do you lay eggs?" Ned asks Peter, shocking us both.

"What? No." Peter laughs and we continue making our way to school.

"You really have to understand that if anyone finds out who I am, I could get sent away." I tell Ned.

"I don't get it though." He says. "You're 15 years old, are people really that afraid of you?"

I look down. Although he doesn't mean any harm, his words cut deep. People are afraid of me. My job is not to hurt people, but sometimes I can't control it.

"Yeah. They are." I tell him.

Our first class is chemistry. Peter and I work on the writing portion of the lab experiment while Ned sits in between us and does the visual.

He rolls his chair over to Peter.

"Can you spit venom?" He whispers.

"No." Peter responds, not bothering to look up from his paper.

Ned then rolls his chair over to me.

"Can you be invisible?"

"Not yet." I tell him, also not looking up from my work.

He rolls back over to Peter.

"Can you summon an army of spiders?"

"No, Ned." Peter says, getting annoyed again.

We're sitting in our history class, the three of us together, when our teacher starts telling us about the Sokovia Accords.

"The Sokovia Accords were put into place to avoid the Avenger's unwanted destruction from their inability to be more cautious around civilians and our cities." The teacher rambles, clearly having no idea what he's talking about.

"How far can you shoot your webs?" Ned whispers to Peter.

"I don't know. Shut up." Peter growls.

"If I was you, I would stand on the edge of a building and just shoot it as far as I could-"

"Shut up, Ned." Peter says a bit louder.

"They began regulating the enhanced persons, however, some chose to fight against it." The teacher continues, his inaccuracy makes my blood boil. "Captain America, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, and The Dahlia, have all refused to come to an agreement-"

"All due respect, Sir, that's not entirely true." I raise my hand and speak up. The class looks at me as I lean into my desk.

"I'm sorry?" He asks me, very confused.

"The Accords were made to have more control over the Avengers." I state. "They have a team of enhanced people, with abilities that the government doesn't understand, and that's what bothers them. Yes, the Avengers have made some mistakes... but they're still human." I say.

"Yeah, humans who are supposed to protect us." A girl in the front of the class says. "And all they keep doing is endangering us. I mean look at what happened in Lagos."

Spider-Man: Homecoming ft. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now