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It was a bleak, white December in Jump City.  Snow pelted down gently in small, continuous heaps of glittering frost.  Beastboy was met with a rather chilling surprise as the ice-crusted, cold automatic sliding doors slowly creaked open.  It was his turn to grab the mail since Robin had gotten it yesterday.  He of course, didn't mind such a simplistic, mundane task and complied eagerly.  His jaw almost slammed into the floor as he took in the rare view, eyes wide with innocent wonder and childish excitement.  The whole lake outside the Tower was completely frozen over.  He dashed back inside the giant T-shaped building, completely forgetting about the task at hand with a lopsided grin forming on his face. He couldn't wait to tell the others about this miraculous sight he witnessed, so he released his inner thoughts in an undignified scream, bounding with excitement and flailing limbs.

He burst into the common room, flying so fast it was a miracle that his face evaded contact with the floor.


Raven lifted her eyes from the horror novel she was entrapped in, and fixed her teammate with a glare that could rival the sun in temperature.  Cyborg and Robin, who were competing in a fast-paced racing game paused, setting down their respective controllers, and looked over at their younger teammate with duplicate quizzical expressions.  Starfire dropped her kitchen utensils, abandoning the alien-like substance she was brewing and cautiously floated into the living room where the other four Titans were huddled.

A chorus of voices, ranging from questioning, annoyance, and confusion echoed throughout the Tower in unison.

"What is it?"

Beastboy excitedly ushered Cyborg, Robin and Starfire out the door.  Raven sighed, looking at them with a shake of her head and turned her attention back to her book, flipping a page, totally unphased by the chaos that was stirred up by the annoying shape-shifter.  At the irritating, continuous sound of her name being called around 23 times by Beastboy, she reluctantly relented, shutting her book with a loud slam and levatating outside towards the others with a moody huff.

"This is actually pretty cool!" The boy wonder seemed fascinated, leaning down on his knees to touch the ice with his gloved fingers.  Sure it snowed in Gotham frequently, but he had never seen a lake frozen over in his time living with Bruce and Alfred.  To sum it up, this was news to him.

"Oh, it is glorious!" Starfire exclaimed, gliding over the ice effortlessly in the air.  She let out a gasp and pointed at the inanimate force of nature.  "I can see a replica of me encased in frozen water!" She waved at the ice, feeling ecstatic as her reflection mirrored her movement.  Robin gave a short laugh at her humorous antics, directing a smile at the beaming red-head.

"That's called a reflection Starfire."

"I never knew reflections were such accurate portrayals of ourselves!"

Something clicked in Beastboy's mind at that moment and he turned to Cyborg, who had a knowing grin on his face.

"Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin' BB?"

"I know I'm thinkin' what you're thinkin' dude!"

They proceeded to holler at the same time to the heavens, probably freaking out the Greek Gods in the process, throwing their hands in the air and jumping in uncontainable excitement.


Robin looked perplexed and raised an index finger hesitantly, "Uh guys, we don't have ice skates..." he trailed off uncertainly.

Beastboy and Cyborg whipped their heads around so fast, Raven was convinced they were owls.  Which was partially true for the changeling, considering he had the uncanny power to morph into any animal.  She definitely couldn't say the same about Cyborg however.  The startled leader craned his head back as the youngest (Beastboy) and oldest (Cyborg) Titans got up in his face and started screaming so ridiculously loud, that Raven had to put magical black headphones on the ebony's ears to muffle the noise so the poor kid wouldn't go deaf

"THEN WE GOTTA GO BUY SOME!"  Beastboy and Cyborg screamed, spit flying everywhere.  Robin sweatdropped and gave a nervous, crooked smile, looking positively afraid for his wellbeing (more specifically his eardrums) that was currently teetering between blissful life and painful death.  Raven rolled her eyes in exasperation, knowing there was no way for the two idiots to ever change their minds once they were set on something.  And that something consisted of five pairs of ice-skates to do an activity she had zero interest in participating in. 

This day just kept getting better and better.

Raven teleported them to the nearest skate rental, a few miles away. (Not in the city of course, cause who's heard of a skate-rental in Jump City?)  The boys of course, bickered and had to make the long day feel even more so with all their incoherent squabbling.  Raven figured it had something to do with ice-skates that had tofu printed on them as opposed to ones with meat.  Otherwise she was totally clueless to whatever they were arguing about and she didn't feel like wasting her intellectual trying to figure out the mental capacity of the two dunderheads.  Robin payed for everything (probably courtesy of Bruce Wayne, who else could it possibly be) thanking the shopkeeper afterwards, who felt remotely sorry for him considering he led half a team of crazy misfits. (Yeah.  That title was classified to Beastboy and Cyborg) 

Raven used her magic once again to teleport the group of teenagers back to Titans Tower.  Everyone was beyond thankful that the weather hadn't drastically changed in their absence, because the empath would've surely blown something up if the ice was somehow melted within an hour of their departure.  After a few minutes watching everyone fumble around with putting ice skates on their feet, Raven decided to lend them a helping hand, using her magic to assemble the skates properly on her friends.  The hooded girl put her own raven-imprinted ice-skates on.  She was the first to step on the thin ice, and gaining her rhythm, she flew gracefully with the wind.  Robin was a bit shakey at first, blades teetering unsteadily, but soon found his balance and maintained it.  He gave a whoop of joy as he zoomed past the others, the breeze guiding him. 

Starfire watched her best friend for a while, happy that he was having fun for once in his life.  Gathering up her courage, she placed a tentative heel of her skate on the smooth surface and gasped audibly when the ice gave a small crack beneath her.  She looked up to find Robin's hand extended out with a grin.  She took it without hesitation and he slowly guided her away from the shoreline of the island. (Well, what used to be an island at least)  Soon she was excitedly giggling and hollering with happiness, and she and the Titans leader spun around together in figure eights.  

Beastboy morphed into a penguin to make his life easier and keep himself warm.  He found he could skate surprisingly well and keep his balance by doing this.  He turned to Cyborg, who was watching his friends have fun but refused to step foot on the ice. 

"Yo Cy!  C'mon and skate with me!  It's fun once you get used to it!"

"If you forgot BB, lemme remind you.  I'm part machine.  Electronics and water are conductors which means my system is uncompattable with water."  He looked nervously at the solid water in front of him,  "In other words, if the ice gives way and I fall in, my circuits are toast."

Beastboy rolled his eyes and skated to the shore coming up behind Cyborg.  He sported an sly grin on his face as he pushed Cyborg onto the ice.  The metal man shrieked and flailed his arms out uselessly as the ice instantly gave way beneath him, and he fell similarly to how Jack Frost fell into the icy water in Rise of the Guardians

Needless to say,  following the aftermath of that event, he had a hard time trusting Beastboy after that incident, no matter how many times the changeling apologized for his crude joke. 

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