"Read" and she laughs to.

"Well then you will love it."

"I also like baking and cooking. Maybe I can cook for us sometime."

"That would be wonderful. Tomorrow I'll give you a full tour and you can situate yourself better. But I best get to bed now." She stands and walks to the door. But before leaving she turns to me.

"I really hope you can do what they want you to, it is really nice having another girl around to talk to. Good night." And with that she is gone.

So do I Anna. The more use I am the longer I might stay alive in this place.

I get into the bed and feel the comfort of the blanket hug me. This is by far the most comfortable bed I have ever been in, and it doesn't take long for the exhaustion to overtake me and send me to my dreams.

The next morning I wake up with a new sense of purpose. I need to figure out how to do that spell, stay away from Zane as much as I can and then get as far away from here as I can. I get up and get dressed in simple jeans and a plain white shirt before brushing my teeth and throwing on my sneakers then head out in the hopes of finding something to eat. I would not let Zane or anyone else get me down this much anymore. I am a strong powerful witch, and I will use whatever I have to make it out of here in one piece.

Before I could even close the door behind me Anna was next to me beaming down at me. She was quite a bit taller than me but that was not hard. My dad uses to say I am only knee high to a grasshopper. Even Alice shot past me when we were teens.

"Ready for breakfast?" she asked.

"Oh yes." I replied and she led me downstairs. Towards the other side of the big staircases was another double door that opened up into a dining room. Walking in I saw that everyone was already there. I hadn't realized that I slept in, but I must have been more tired than I thought. They all looked up and waved a good morning before returning to their breakfast." Good morning" I said in general before taking a seat next to Anna.

"Take whatever you like." She told me pointing to the large array of food on the table before us. I dished myself some toast and a little bit of eggs with a cup of coffee. Taking a sip and feeling the warmth of the coffee cover me. Coffee was its own kind of magic.

"After breakfast Anna can show you around but then Zane will take over and get you started." Michael said to me from across the table. I looked over at Zane, but he was focused on his breakfast. So I focused on mine.

After I was full Anna grabbed my hand and I was happy for no new images flashing. It rarely happened with one person more than once in a space of time, but I always had to prepare for any new information the elements wanted to send my way.

She led me through the house. Showing me everything there was to see. Upstairs one the third floor she showed me the gaming room, gym, cinema and a bar where she said you could normally find the boys if there was any kind of game on. On the second floor were all the bedrooms as well as the library which lifted my spirits a great deal. On the ground floor was where all the entertaining happened with a ballroom in the back she said never gets used, the kitchens and doors leading out to a massive pool looking out over the beautifully kept gardens. What a thing it must be to sit here and soak up the sun as well as the view. The whole place was so alive, and I could feel my magic vibrating in my veins being surrounded my so much beauty.

It was outside admiring the beauty of the forest that Zane caught up with us and all in a second all the beauty I was feeling was replaced with fear and that something else.

"Anna Michael wants to have a word. I'll take over from here." He said and Anna gave me a quick smile before disappearing inside leaving me alone with Zane.

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