My apartment was small and only had the necessities as most of the money I made went to either my student loans or my parents.

I flipped on my lights and put the kettle on the stove to make some tea. Then took off my shoes and pulled my phone out of my jeans and dialed my mom.

"Hi honey. What took you so long?"

"Sorry mom. I was still at work. How are you? How is dad?" I said still trying to keep the conversation light.

"That's why I was calling sweety. There are some tings we need to talk about as a family. Your sister is coming down tomorrow. Do you think you could come to?" I had only planned on going down the day after next, but I would love to see my sister. I missed her little face even though we spoke over the phone almost every day, but I hadn't seen her in a few weeks.

"Sure mom. I have work till around four so I can be there at around seven. But then I need to spend Wednesday working on my thesis. Okay?" adding the last part before she expects me to spend my day there helping her dry herbs or setting fire circles.

"Okay sweety. That is fine. Just make sure you are here by seven, okay?"

"Okay mom. Ill see you tomorrow night then. Love you, bye."

"Bye sweety." I put the phone down and leaned against the counter. That was too easy. Something was wrong. I could hear it in the way she said goodbye. Something wasn't right.

The next day, my shift went by smoothly. I had a couple of good tables even though the early shift didn't see a lot of customers. I clocked out and greeted everyone on my way out with my overnight bag over my shoulder. Outside I stuck my hand out for a taxi and one stopped almost immediately. I got in and gave him the address seeing the irritation in his eyes at realizing he had a long drive ahead of him.

The drive went smoothly. I got most of the reading done I had to do for my thesis by the time we pulled up to the wooden farm gates.

"Thank you" I said giving the driver my entire tip roll for the day and getting out and slung my overnight bag over my shoulder and grabbing my purse.

He drove off without a word and I started the long walk up the house. After about seven minutes the glow from the windows came into view and I realized that more lights were on than normal. It must mean that Alice was already there. A few more minutes closer and I saw that there were two big black, expensive looking SUVs standing in the driveway.

My heart gave a thud. I thought something was wrong after talking to my mom last night but now I knew. I ran the rest of the way up to the house and went trough the front door dropping my stuff on the bench next to the door. I listened and heard voices coming from the dinning room. My feet followed the sound of people talking till I took a step into the dining room and froze.

It was the very last thing I thought id see coming home for this family meeting and a cold chill ran down my spine.

My mother was sitting next to my father who sat at the head of the table. Next to my mom was Alice holding onto my moms' hands looking more scared than id ever seen her before. My eyes drifted the length of the room. There were four men sitting at the table by my parents. And one stand behind my dad, leaning on the door frame to the kitchen with his arms crossed over his chest and looking bord as hell. He was very tall. His head only nearly missing the top of the door. His hair was a dirty blond and cut down to his scalp on the sides with it a little long on top so that some of it just reached his eyes.

A pon seeing me he sleeked it back with his hands and it stayed there. He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen, and it almost seemed like they were glowing. He stood straighter looking at me up and down and unfolding his arms making the big muscles under his shirt move. He was by far the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life, but I had to look away as I could feel my heart beating faster the longer I looked at him.

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