Chapter 2

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September came and nearly passed, and Mr Dixon looked like he was about to propose at any moment. His affection and interest for his friend had not diminished in the least, and Jane was very happy for her. Not only would it be a good match , but one of love.

« - He formally asked me for a private interview, said a bright eyed miss Campbell one morning after the gentleman's daily visit. We are to go on a walk together this very afternoon.

- Haven't we spent the last two months going for walks with Mr Dixon ? smiled Jane.

- He has never asked like that before . It is obviously because he has some official request.

- He will propose , then.

-I don't know how I can wait until later today. Oh , I think I might die from fear before that.. But how can we convince mama and papa to let me have a private conversation with him ?

- I suppose Mr Dixon will bring a friend along for this purpose.

- Oh , Jane , that is not what I meant , said miss Campbell , looking ashamed.

- It is what I meant. In such a situation , lovers need intimacy. Besides, I am sure whoever Mr Dixon brings will be great company »

So the afternoon arrived , and at the promised time Mr Dixon was announced. Jane looked affectionately at her trembling and blushing friend who had been restless and incapable of sitting still since the morning, and now looked most positively terrified.

A few second later , a Mr Dixon looking as if in a state of mind no different from her friend's came in , followed by Frank Churchill. Jane colored slightly , both from surprise and (she was ashamed to admit it) pleasure.

The last month and a half had they'd met often at outings and common friends' houses but mostly at the Campbells residence where he often came with Mr Dixon, Mr Churchill most gallantly keeping her company while she was chaperoning miss Campbell.

Without her knowing the exact reason , he had somehow become the person officially charged with the task of keeping her company while she walked with Mr Dixon and miss Campbell.

The fact her presence (seen as mandatory by her tutors) may have been perceived as undesirable and even a nuisance had been mortifying , but the conversation and friendship of Mr Churchill had not only eased the blunt but soon enough left her looking forward to his visits. She had even sometimes been shameless as to encourage her friends to take longer walks so she would be able to spend more time with him. The lovers would never have complained , of course , but it still felt particularly daring.

It was therefore even less surprising to see him being introduced in the drawing-room with Mr Dixon on this special day. He waited until Mr Dixon had greeted her then moved a little further to greet miss Campbell , then came to her and inquired about her well-being with a smile she responded to with one of her own without thinking.

After hours of walking behind their respective friends together , they had gotten to know each other quite well, and upon understanding she was to spend a lot of time in his company she had been pleasantly surprised to find a sensible mind beneath the easy and open manner.

He possessed a serious and curious side he did not show to the rest of the world. She had found it surprising , for such versatility in his conversation and person would most certainly have made him even more of a favorite in society than he already was, but she'd never asked.

At the same time , it was not without shame she felt honored he had chosen to let her see what he carefully hid under charming words and manners, or did not feel the need to pretend around her.

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