"Watch out!" The green-haired boy yelled, his arm beginning to glow with vein-like streaks of light.

"Eh?" She deadpanned as she used one hand to punch upwards at Shigaraki, and the other to disable Midoriya's quirk so that he wouldn't get hurt. She had heard all about the boy from the teachers, and was quite interested in him, although it was mostly his quirk. The power overload dissappearing so suddenly probably shocked him as the adrenaline did him a pause, and so he passed out into Shika's arms.

"Eh?" She blinked at the boy and shrugged, "I have no such taste in men," She took a graceful step to the side, dropping Midoriya onto the ground with a thump.

"Hold on! Are you going back inside?" The grapehead called out after the mysterious, and surely crazy female as soon as he, Asui, and Midoriya were outside safely.

"Of course I am! I'd ask you to come with me to commit double suicide, but I promised Yamada I wouldn't, so, see ya!" She winked and cheerfully skipped back into the chaos where All Might himself was, trapped halfway in the ground while being poked through by a skulless monster. "Hold on big guy! Kill me first!" She smirked with a sparkle, holding her chin in the stretch between her thumb and index finger.


"Young Dazai, you promised Present Mic!" The muscular male coughed out between blood breaks.

"Oh fine!" Shika whined, focusing her acute eyesight on the monster. "Sorry big guy, maybe another time." She said, then approached the two like nothing drastic at all was going on, next used her quirk on the monster. But it did not yield. She decided on a different approach, taking out a fresh knife to pierce it into the Nomu's bare brain, which in turn caused its entire body to begin spasming and shaking before collapsing to the ground. Like a dying animal, trying to show one last act of defiance. How pitiful.

"Who is that..."

"So there's more of you alive? How nice! You look handsome, too!" Shika turned at the sound of more voices, then swooned over the spiky blonde haired boy and the one with two-toned hair, just like his heterochromatic eyes. The former appeared to be quite angered, while the latter seemed to either ignore the comment, or not understand it. "Come on, let's get y'all outside." She jogged over to the two, then led them out by practically pulling them as they reluctantly left the scene.

All Might hit his limit today, so if these boys hang around any longer, things might get messy.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO SHOVE ME AROUND!?" The blonde snapped as soon as the clear, blissful daylight hit his sweaty skin. What he said contradicted his feelings, which made Shika chuckle to herself as it reminded her of a dachshund. Always rooting for what they want, or doing things the other way around just to not allow you to have it your way. He seemed to be relieved to see that it was nearly over, or that at least he was safe.

"Just a random ghost guest of UA." She shrugged with a wink. "Oh, Yamada! How many students are there supposed to be?" She chirped to the yellow haired pro hero whom she just caught up to.

"Nineteen!" He replied.

"You kept one space empty for me to take it after all!? Awwww!" The female sobbed into his shoulder after counting all the present teens. Hearing the news that he did keep a little hope that she could become a hero was touching to her, since any other pro hero-teacher discarded the idea because of her...tendencies...

"Me? It was Mr. Aizawa! He's the homeroom teacher around here!"

"My Belladonna?! So he does believe in me after all!" Shika continued crying into Present Mic's shoulder, over-dramatizing how touched by the act she was. "I hope everything's over now. This was fun!" She beamed, causing everyone to sweatdrop as they were out there fighting for their lives while she was having fun.

"I'm not sure if Shota will take you into his class for sure, but once he's recovered, we'll talk to him about it, 'kay?"

"Okie dokie!" She chimed. "I'll be sure to be there first then!"


My name is Shika Dazai. 死 (Shi), as in death.

My quirk, No Longer Human, allows me to erase the quirk of anyone I come into contact with for a debatable amount of time.

I am a former member of the Port Mafia, one of the best knivesmen among them.

I am still searching for a reason to live. Maybe here, at UA High, a hero school, I'll learn what it means to do more than just exist, or maybe even find peace from the sins I have committed...


"My Belladonna, I have come to ask you something~"

"Dazai..." The man who was wrapped up from head to toe, overwrapping even Shika herself, groaned. "I doubt you came here just to see how I was doing, so, what do you want?"

"Right! I found out you saved me a place in your class. Why didn't you let me join from the very beginning, huh? Huh? HUH? HUH?" She inched closer to his face every word.

"I wasn't sure if letting you into the hero course was a good idea. But Yamada insisted we give you a chance." He groaned. Aizawa knew this was probably a risky idea, given that fighting villains is the perfect circumstance to kermit skewer slide, that makes Shika the perfect luggage and liability. But he could not deny that she was an amazing fighter, he dare say better than anyone he knows.

Precise movements, no weak spots, premeditated attacks, effortless strides. Standing upon a throne of her enemies, Shika is undefeated.

"I promise not to try to kill myself during classes!"

"I don't thi-"

"And, and, I won't ask anyone to double suicide with me during classes!"


"And I-"

"It's fine! Stop yelling. School starts tomorrow, after the three-day break. Tell Yamada to get you a uniform. And for the love of God, stop making such a racket before I regret my decision." Shika's face lit up in delight, much like when someone (jokingly) agreed to her double suicide, after which they bailed out on her and she ended up jumping alone. Earned herself a new set of bandaging areas, she still hasn't let go of it to this day.

"Yes yes yes!" She squealed and thanked the man a dozen more times, then raced up the stairs. Yep, up. "Seems high enough." She hummed to herself, stepping up onto the ledge.

"Why don't you just take a swan dive off of the roof?" The memory replayed in the boy's mind as his gaze landed on the girl who gazed contently at the clouded, windy city panorama. Was the girl attempting to take her life out of the same desparation he once felt? Was someone bullying her too? Making her feel worthless?

"Dazai? What are you doing?!"

"Oh? Didn't realise you were here too, Broccoli." She said, emphasising the Italian accent like she always does when she uses the nicknames. "Also, just call me Shika!" She snapped and whined all at once. "It creates intimacy." She smirked.

"R-right! Shika! Please don't jump!"

"You mean you wanna join me first?!" She beamed in excitement, eyes shining with sparkles.

"N-no! I just don't want you to hurt yourself!" He shook his head.

"Oh well..." She sighed and plopped off of the edge, landing beside the panicked male.

"Why do you keep talking about suicide..." He loosened up his posture slightly, cautiously leading the girl back down the stairs.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." She winked.

"W-will you be joining our class?"

"Yeah. Oh, right! I was gonna jump to get to Yamada faster! See you around!" She zoomed down and away, leaving a trace of dust behind her.

𝐍𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 / BNHA / Dazai OCWhere stories live. Discover now