i'm sorry

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Summary: You find out that your boyfriend has been using and self harming again.

Warnings: mentions of drugs, blood and self harm.


I was on my way to my boyfriend's house, we planned on me spending the night tonight. It wasn't something new, just this time he planned everything we would be doing.

I got to his house and rang the doorbell, Rose came to open the door.

"Oh hey Y/N." She said opening the door.

Rose didn't hate me but didn't love me, since she didn't really like Rafe the same was for me.

"Hey." I smiled as she let me in.
"Rafe left, he told me to tell you he would be back in 10 minutes that around now are not 10 minutes." She explain.
"Thank you." I said making my way upstairs to his room.

I got to his room and I put my bag down on the bed and sat down next to it. I looked to the side and saw this red stain, like blood, on his duvet. Please don't tell me.

I took a deep breath before I got up and started to look for blades around his room. Rafe had self harmed in the past, Ward would sometimes be really hard on him and he just wanted his dad to like him like he likes Sarah. I was the one that made him stop consuming and self harming.

I found two blades under his socks drawer, one had dried blood but it looked recent. I then looked around and found some white powder behind a picture of us.

I then heard the door open.

"I'm sorry baby, I was just." He started before he saw where I was looking at.
"Rafe." I sighed.
"I can explain." He started.

He started to explain and I just walked towards him and hugged him tightly, if there is something he needs during these times is a hug. He hugged me back immediately and started sobbing into my shoulder.

"It's okay baby, It's going to be okay." I said rubbing the back of his neck.
"I just couldn't take it anymore." He sobbed into my shoulder.
"We will get through this together." I said softly.

He then calmed down and pulled away and kissed my lips hard just like his life depended on it.

"Baby." I called pulling away.
"Yeah?" He asked.

As we were kissing before I felt something went behind his shirt, I could smell the iron, and I knew what it was.

I grabbed on of his arms and saw the fresh cuts on his arms. He started crying again.

"I'm sorry." He cried.
"Go sit on the bed." I said.

He sat on the bed as I walked to his bathroom and got things to clean his cuts, I placed everything down next to him on the bed where he was sitting. I sat down on his lap, My back facing his chest, he rested his head on my shoulder as he took a deep breath.

"Tell me if I hurt okay baby?" I asked, I felt him nod into my shoulder.

I started cleaning his sits and I would hear him hiss and I would apologize.

After I finished I wrapped his arms and put everything away in the bathroom, I then got back to the room and straddled him, his hands traveled to my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I pecked his lips a few times before I decided to talk.

"Could you tell me what happened?" I asked softly.
"I had to pay Barry from when I was still using and I needed a little more money so I went to ask my dad but he just yelled at me and said that I had to be more like Sarah." He said.
"You should have told me." I said cupping his cheeks.
"I'm sorry." He sighed.
"Just tell me next time." I said making him nod.
"I'm not doing anything again, I promise." He said.
"I believe you." I smiled before I leaned in a kissed him softly.

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