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i love this one so much<3 thoughts?



The boy is painted in phthalo blue

And cadmium yellow.

Laughter drips down his chin, leaving him sweet and sticky.

Love him gently.

Love him slowly.

Touch the stretch of skin right above his hip bone.

Ask how it feels to be radiant.

How it is to have the sun in abundance.

Kiss his forehead, where his curls lay.

Kiss his lips, because he tastes like lemon and cream.

Paint him on canvas as many times as he'll let you.

Paint him in your mind a million times more.

Measure your hands next to his.

Count the constellations drawn across his face.

Take his head in your hands.

Pray he stays this way, even when you don't believe in god.

Commit his movements to memory.

Match his stride when you walk together.

Watch the light hit his face.

Watch as it washes him with warmth.

Trace his veins back to his beating heart.

Love him so gently.

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