Chapter 32: The Date

Start from the beginning

          "What were you and my girlfriend doing at the bathroom?" Jason asked, narrowing his eyes at the both of us. 

           "Illegal things, Carter." Keith stuck out his tongue out at Jason before collasping in his seat next to Myra. And I swear, I saw her smiled. 


          The food was terrible. The fact that the restaurant still had customers, was quite nerve-wrecking. Keith and Alison had came back from their private little talk at the bathroom entrance. Perhaps it was the fact that Keith was the only person who sent me smiles made me felt even more relieved when he came back to join us. 

          His arm wrapped around my shoulder as he leaned in closer to me a bit. "Hey, how's the food? You barely touched it." He raised both his eyebrows as he took the fork from my hand, sending electricity through me as his skin made contact with me. He stabbed a meatball and put it to his mouth. After seeing his disgusted face and unable to control my laughter anymore, I started laughing as Keith quickly spitted out the meatball. "I made you laugh..." My laughter stopped as I looked at him. 

          "Yeah, you're funny." I replied, offering a smile to him. Keith looked surprised as his eyes scanned through my face. 

          "You know what guys? I'm going to take Miss Hart here somewhere. You guys just continue on." Keith announced before standing up and pulling me along towards the entrance. I craned my neck to look at the others, realizing that all of them were smiling at us like crazy. My cheeks flushed as I let myself be dragged out of the restaurant by the blonde. 

          "Where are we going?" I asked Keith who was dragging me towards the ice-skating place we've just been earlier. 

           "I'm going to teach you ice-skating." 


          Unbelievable. I've always known that Keith Westwood came from a rich family, but I never knew he had the power to ask the person to close the ring so it was only both me and him. As I stood in the middle of the ring, I look at Keith who was skating around me like a pro. "Come on, we both know you already found your balance. Try skating like how I taught you! And if you fall, I'll catch you." He said, and I knew I could trust him. 

          I sighed, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "I lied about something." I told Keith, causing him to stop skating and look at me. "I know how to skate." 

          "Oh, why didn't you say so in the first place?" 

          "Because the first person who taught me how to skate died." I quickly bit my lip, mentally cursing at myself for telling him so much. Too much. Now that I had finally face my past, I could feel the weight on my shoulders being lifted. Keith skated over to me and stopped a few inches in front of me. "He was my first boyfriend and I loved him. He taught me what it's like to be happy." 

          Without expecting it, Keith pulled my close into a hug. I never tasted perfection in my life, but being in Keith's embrace, hearing his heartbeat, listening to his breathing with my head close to his chest, I realized that was the most perfect moment in life. "I'm sorry." He said, but he didn't pull away. 

          "I think I'm falling for you." 


          "What do you think is happening with Keith and Myra? He hasn't call me yet!" I complained as I stared at my phone. I was cuddling next to Jason at the couch as 'The Vow' was playing on the TV screen. What can I say? I was a sucker for romance films, plus The Vow was practically my favorite movie. 

          "How about you just keep quiet and watch the movie? Keith is not a child." Jason said, rolling his eyes before focusing his attention back on the telly. I frowned, still worried about that particular blonde. 

          "I wonder why Keith wants a person like her though." Jason frowned at me like he disagreed.

          "Says the girl who broke up with me."

          "You're never going to let that one go, will you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

           "Nope. But Alison, you shouldn't judge Myra like that. Cut her some slack, she has a sad past." A sad past? "Her boyfriend, the only person who ever loved her, died in an accident." Jason explained. All of a sudden, all the hatred I had towards her vanish and I sunk back in my seat, feeling like the worst person on earth.

          "She deserves Keith." I whispered to myself before feeling a vibrate in my pocket. I fished out my phone and realized I had a text message from Keith.

          I love her.

A/N: Hey guys! Next chapter would be the last chapter :( But it's alright! I have a special story just for you guys coming up after All About Us. It's called 'Mixed Signals'! For those that follow me on Twitter, you guys had probably knew about this. Anyways, try and check out DarkNiteLover's story, Angel With A Shotgun! 

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