"They're okay" Spencer replied changing the weight of his body from one foot to another.

Things had been a bit uncomfortable after the day of the trial.

On one hand, Thaleia still had to pinch herself every morning when remembering what her colleague had said before they entered the court room. She also spent the night overthinking- what did he really mean when he said that? Did he only say them to make me less nervous? What about the kiss? Does he know how I feel about him and is toying me around?

Then there was Spencer, who blushed at the memory of how soft her skin had felt against his lips and got angry at himself the next second- had that kiss on the cheek been too much? Has she even thought about what I said to her? It was so cheesy! Maybe she has thought about it and doesn't like me as much as I thought she did.

"I uh... I didn't know you switched to coffee" he said after a minute of uncomfortable silence between the two.

"Oh, I haven't... this is for my nanny- for Hansen, my supervisor"

"Oh, okay. I thought it was weird so..."

"Yeah..." they fell into silence again.

"Hey, Thaleia"


"I think... I feel like... uh" he chuckled. The words weren't coming out- he had never felt so nervous around anyone before, not even around JJ around the time he developed a silly crush on her "Maybe you could come to my place? After work?" Thaleia was about to make up an excuse when he cut her off "I think it would be smart of us to talk- about the other day..."

"Uh..." the girl scratched the back of her ear "Maybe another time?"

"No" he replied almost immediately, taking her by surprise "I mean..." he took a deep breath "I want to set things straight... make sure that you know and I know and that we're both in the same page about what's going on" he gestured with his hands between the two of them "Please?"

The youngest sighed, not being able to say 'no' to him "Okay" he smiled slightly "I'll be there when I'm done here-"

"I'll wait" he said before she could finish the sentence.

"It's alright, I drove here anyway"

"I took the train"

Thaleia chuckled at the boy's attempt to get her to agree "Okay... uh... I don't really know when I'll be done- Emily said they thought they were close to getting the Unsub but you never know"

"I'll wait, don't worry- it's not like I have anything to do other than be with you"

"Oh- uh... yeah, okay" she took the two cups, wanting to leave as soon as possible the boy's presence. He was making her nervous "I'll see you later, then"

"Yeah" Spencer felt like approaching her and giving her a kiss on the cheek, wanting to feel again her skin, but held himself back. It wasn't the right time. And he wanted them to talk.

We'll see how it goes...


"So you guys are on your way back?" Spencer asked over the phone to his best friend.

"Yeah" Morgan sounded tired "Someone remind me not to chase an Unsub that runs track and races for fun"

"It couldn't have been that bad" the boy teased his friend.

"Next time we encounter one of those, you get him then"

"No thank you" he laughed.

"Have you seen Thaleia?"

Fingertips | Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now