Boastful Besties

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A/N: Sorry this took so long I got distracted by Wattpad. It really be your own people 😭✋🏾

Diana's point of view

By the time I came back to the real world, I was laying on my back and my muscles were screaming or some type of medication.

I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position and laid my back on the wall while making a slow hissing sound.

"Oh, how wonderful! My stomach is a fucking disco ball. Why didn't she just dance on me to seal the deal," I sarcastically whispered.

The purple and black spots on my stomach are a daily occurrence in my life that I'm not even surprised about. I slowly got up and walked to my room and locked it.

Rachel must have fallen asleep. I guess beating your daughter is a tiring activity. I would suggest she stop.

I glanced at my alarm clock and went straight to the bathroom. She finished early this time. It was only 5 PM. I took the Arnica ointment out of the basket near my sink and sat on the toilet.

Before I started to pass the ointment on my stomach I texted Derek and Seon. They are adopted brothers and are like family to me.


O Great One: She did it again

Bts: Where are you?

Jack the Beanstalk: Are you ok?!?

O Great One: I'm good 👍 It was only my stomach. Richard didn't come yet

Bts: I'm coming in 5 minutes

O Great One: Are you sure you aren't busy Seon?

Bts: I'm never too busy for you Rosy

O Great One: I told you to stop calling me that. Btw I'm in my bathroom.

Jack the Beanstalk: I'll meet you in Seon's room

O Great One: I feel so important. You know I expect there to be a throne when I get there.👀

Bts: Shut the fuck up Rosy.

Jack the Beanstalk: I think the floor is a good enough throne.

O Great One: Dare these disrespectful peasants insult their queen.

Jack the Beanstalk: Pfft I think you are hallucinating. If anyone is a queen here it's me!

Bts: I'm outside your window

O Great One: Coming!!!!

I looked outside my window, only to be faced with one of my best friends, Seon Hak, worried face. Seon and Derek were in the same orphanage when they were babies. The only thing they remember from their parents is their ethnicities which were given to them by the social worker. Derek is Haitian and Seon is Korean. I met Seon and Derek in kindergarten when they asked me why I would rather sit under the safe than run around in circles following weird children doing weird things. After that, the friendship was sealed.

They were adopted at age 7 to a lovely, well-off Korean couple. Mr. Hak and Mr. Hak. Their house is like a refuge for me.

Mr. Hak number one works as an Investment broker and let me tell you, he makes a ton of cash. So much cash that Mr. Hak number two doesn't even have to work! Mr. Hak number two does volunteer work at a library. He has an obsession with books that rival mine. I often go to their house just for their private library. Mr. Hak number two and I both love to just lay down on the beanbags in there and read in comfortable silence.

Mr. Hak number one happens to have an affinity for languages. And it so happens so do I. So since I have met them, he has taught me a multitude of languages and we often have conversations in them just to confuse the rest of his family.

Both Seon and Derek would be considered popular. They are fit, nice and funny. I have amazing taste in friends. Derek is captain of the basketball team and Seon of the swimming team. I, on the other hand, blend in with the wall when I'm around them. I'm not at all popular and I love it that way. No one bothers me and I don't bother them. I even ignore my sister.

"I swear to everything on planet Earth if you drop me I will murder you," I said deadpanned to Seon.

"Don't worry Rosy. We have done this a million times!" Seon replied with an exasperated look.

I slowly climbed into Seon's arms, arms holding his neck and feet wrapped around his waist, as he held under my thighs and climbed down the ladder that I conveniently placed there. Man, I'm so smart.

Seon and Derek live at least 20 minutes away from me in some mini-mansion thing. All I can tell you is that it's really pretty and big. Yes, yes I have a high IQ but I don't care enough about houses to know every kind.

As we neared their house I asked, "Are your parents home yet?"

"Nope, both dads are at work," Seon answered.

"But I don't want to hang out with you people today! Your dads are way cooler!" I whined.

Seon placed a hand over his heart and said "And I took major offense to that!"

"Oh shut up you know I'm right," I said with a smirk.

When I could start to see the entrance of the house I ran to the gate. Seon was way behind me like the lazy butt he was. I put in the password quickly and opened the door with the spare key in my bra. Just then the pain in my stomach hit again and I hunched over with my eyes glazing over.

Seon finally caught up and picked me up then opened the door. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and put my head down on his shoulder. That burst of energy left as soon as it came.

"Are you tired Rosy?" I heard Seon ask.

"Yea, can you lay down with me?" I asked meekly.

"Of course baby! I always do! He said while smiling.

I didn't let go of him when he went up the stairs to his room and laid on the bed. It gave me a multitude of comfort knowing that I had people here for me that would never leave.

So........... how was the chapter?😎

Please point out any mistakes

And make sure to take care of yourself 👍🏾

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