"Alex'll be happy, now she's got someone else in the same boat." I giggled a bit, thinking back to Alex's surprise and utter excitement when Zayn proposed before they went on tour.

"Well, not in the same boat for long, she’s got a wedding planner; they’re going to get married soon." Laura laughed. I grinned broadly, that was true, and Alex had told me all about it over the phone last week.

"I suppose Niall’s going to ask Megan soon." I pushed some of my hair behind my ear.

"I don't think so; Megan said that it won't be coming anytime soon." Laura shook her head.

"Harry's not going to ask lily though, they've only been together for less than a year!" Harry had taken a certain liking toward my nurse, Lily, from when I was in hospital. When my treatment was finished and I was fully recovered they started dating, it was cute really. She moved down to London and got a job here to be with Harry.

"True..." Laura nodded thoughtfully; I smiled and pushed her shoulder a bit. "What?" She asked.

"You're all grown up!" I giggled, tackling her into a hug.

"Tends to happen..." She laughed, hugging me back with excitement.

"We have to start planning-" I began but was cut off short by the doorbell.

"Coming!" I called, hopping off the couch and running to the door, opening it to find the postman from the day before yesterday.

"Morning ma'am," he greeted, tipping his hat.

"Who is it?" Laura hollered from the lounge room.

"Postman!" I shouted back then turned to the man with as much of a polite smile as I could muster.

"I have a letter for you." He told me, taking out a pale envelop. I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"Look-" I began, stopping suddenly and glancing at him for him to finish the blank.

"Pat." He grinned, I nodded.

"Look Pat, you're really lovely but whatever Liam's got you doing has to stop, I don't want his letters." I pushed the envelope back to him.

"Look love," Pat began, using the same tone I used. "He's not going to stop if I stop giving you the letters. He'll shove them under the door or smuggle them in through one of your friends. I'm here as a little advice-giver, if you will," he paused. "I'm not telling you to forgive him but at least give him a chance to explain." Pat reasoned, taking my hand and slipping the letter into my grip.

"I don't want excu-" Pat leaned in as I spoke to whisper in my ear, cutting me off.

"Either way, Liam's going to get you to read the letters."

"Fine." I huffed, taking the letter as Pat's brown eyes sparkled.

"Good, now I'm off. Have a nice day." He took off his hat and turned on his heel, walking down the steps. My eyes followed him until I couldn't see him anymore.

"What's that?" Laura asked. I flipped it over.

“Liam’s written a letter...” I rolled my eyes.

“Read it!” she demanded, I sighed, thinking back to Pat.

“Fine.” I spun on my heel and made my way back to the lounge again. Once we were both seated I opened the letter carefully and I began to recite the letter to Laura.

Dear Gabby,

Alright, I’m glad Pat convinced you to read the letter. I know you won’t let me in or answer my calls or texts so I decided to write to you. I actually find it easier.

I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. I’ll explain what I did and why later but for now I just want to give you space. I need to do some things and I’d prefer if I didn’t burden you. That’s the main reason why all of this happened. I don’t want to burden you.

Don’t be mad at Laura or Louis for giving me a place to stay. I’ll hardly be there anyway so you’re free to go and visit them.

I think I’ll write to you once a week, if that’s alright, oh who am I kidding? It won’t be alright with you but I’m going to do it anyways so Pat’s going to be at your doorstep almost every week.

Do you like Pat? If he’s annoying you terribly then I can get someone to fill in. I thought you’d like him. He’s kind of like you; cheerful, bubbly, always looking on the bright side of life, beautiful... okay maybe he’s not beautiful but you definitely are.

Back to the point; Gabby, give me time. In time I’ll explain everything, I promise you. In time, I’ll find my way back to you if everything goes to plan but I need time.

I’ve always asked for you to wait for me and time and time again you have. I promised you before I went on tour that when I was back I’d devote every second of my life to making you smile and to make sure I was with you. I failed you and I’m going to do it again.

I’m not going to be with you every second and I just asked you to wait. Wait for me, please.

I’ll never forgive myself for making you cry just as I won’t forgive myself if you stop waiting. There won’t be any more waiting after this.

I miss you Gabby but it’s necessary, it’ll be alright in a while and if you don’t want me back then that’s fine too. I’ll step back and watch someone else make you happy but I won’t ever stop loving you.

You’re my only reason to smile.

With love;


“Wow...” Laura breathed wrapping an arm around my shoulder.  I nodded, wiping a tear away.

“Why can’t he just explain?” I sighed, leaning back.

“I don’t know, but will you wait?” she asked. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out so it softly shut again. I thought and I thought and I finally came to an answer.

“Yes,” I nodded.  Even after everything he’s put me through, everything that had happened; I still loved him. I couldn’t deny it; I loved the idiot that was Liam Payne and for him, I’d wait for as long as he needed.

Simply, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now