Place In Me

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"now with my eyes wide open I tore you right apart"

Its been months since she left me in the middle of the night. she packed up everything and left without saying goodbye but she left a note:

" I'm sorry but I cant stay with you anymore, I loved you but the love has faded into nothingness and I cant stay in a relationship with someone whos so apathetic, but you will always have a place in me"

I lay down on the balcony and stare at the sky. I always wondered why she loved nighttime so much and now I know why because its like the stars talk back to you, like they comfort you. I remember she use to talk to them so I give it a try "um well stars, she left me. I have been wondering for months why she left but Its like my eyes are open and I see how I tore her right apart, I let her down because she could never talk to me about anything I'm so apathetic is really pathetic but god it was like heaven in her arms."

I lay there until I got up and went to call her, I was sent to voicemail which I'm not surprised by. "hey its uh Ian, I wanted to call and tell you I'm sorry about letting you down and I wanted to tell you that you also have a place in me".

ugh I love this song so much -jess

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