Chapter 1 : Another normal day

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June 1st 2021, 10.09 A.M

It was another random day in high school, the bell just rang for students to go on break, crowd noises were starting to be heard in the entire building.

I was slowly coming back to reality after being called a few times by my friend, my only true friend. Her name was Adeline but I called her Addy. She was a beautiful blond girl with blue eyes and the right shapes at the right spot. To be honest, history wasn't my favorite subject in school and I tended to fall asleep quite easily. Everyone though that I was a school dropout and that I wasn't going to graduate, and I though it too.

Addy- Ayela, Ayela wake up, Mister Nanton is going to send you to the principal's office again... AYELA ! 

I woke up from my dreamy state and hurried to pack my things to leave. Once in the hallway, we looked at each other and laughed, like every time I got away from detention.

Life wasn't bad, it wasn't good either. My parents were taking things easy on me, they knew I was having a bad time. They kept telling that I could go to therapy if I needed to or that I could get private lessons during the summer break to keep up. But every time I laughed or even smiled, I thought that I was a lying piece of shit and that some people had it so much harder than me. But when, after school, I was alone in my room, I just felt empty; like something was missing or on the opposite, to present to even be distinguished. Something was happening to me, and I couldn't figure out what.

My phone suddenly rang, Addy was calling me. Like every evening, she was making sure that I was okay after class.

Addy- Hey,

Me- Hey again,

- How are you, you seemed away today, even more than normally.

- Well... I felt different today,

- Better ?

- No, not really, more like if something was coming, you know, about what everybody's talking about.

- So what, you're psychic now. She said laughing

- Ah ah funny, but who knows...

- Ayela come on,

- I don't know, don't you think it's weird. It's been five month since our school program suddenly changed, then three month ago, our TV programs changed, I haven't heard of our government in forever. I know they're not very good for politicians but they still run the country, do they ?

- Yes it's a bit weird but I am sure it's nothing to worry about.

- If you say so...

- Anyway, try to get some sleep this weekend, i'I'll call you tomorrow,

- Okay, bye, love you,

- Love you too.

Sometimes I felt like she was avoiding my stupid theories, but in the end I knew she was probably right, I had nothing to worry about. I fell asleep hardly, once again, feeling empty...

I woke up at 3A.M, sweating, another nightmare.

This one was the worst since a while, apocalyptic scenarios and flashes of me fighting with weapons and delivering war speeches to faceless crowds. I went to the kitchen for water and sat a the table.

What if my theories were my nightmares, what if I actually was a psychic and saw the future, what if I was crazy and belonged in an asylum. I was at my lowest, but something was keeping me awake.

The tension in society wasn't something I imagined, I couldn't believe that my imagination was fooling me into thinking that the world was going crazy. I wasn't the only one to notice our government was missing and that some cray shits were happening behind our backs. But I was still wondering why me, why did I had to get a mind capable of believing such things and yet I was me.

A me that I learned to hate a bit more every freaking day. I wasn't the prettiest girl in the world, far from that; I wasn't the ugliest either according to Addy and my family. I am not very tall, only 5'4, and chubbier than a lot of girls in my school. I used to thought of myself that I was fat until I realized what « being fat » really ment, but I indeed am chubby. I have a bit of stomach, some hips dips and back rolls, big thighs...

My face isn't very original either, I have a pale skin, a few blemishes, brown short hair that live their life on their own, thin lips and brown eyes.

My eyes are probably my favorite part of my entire body, I have long and thick lashes, and their brown color is really intense and deep; I like it, but that's pretty much it.

And lately my mental state as been making things a lot harder for me, I never thought that I was normal and « mentally okay » but I was at a place where even Addy couldn't reach me.

I wasn't particularly sad or depressed but I felt like I needed something big to happen to me, something even bigger than moving away or a full body surgery. If I truly think about it, the only thing I want is to be recognized, it's for people to see me as me and to like it that way, it's for me to like myself the way I am; I think it's what I want...

But I also feel like something so much bigger than all of us is coming and weirdly, my mental health has been going down at the same time as the rest. It all began 5 month ago...

I fell asleep again around 5A.M.

... darkness ...

... power ...

... fighting ...


- what the hell was that ??

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