Chapter 2

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When he screamed in shock as his memories of being Kira flashed in front of him, L looked at him in surprise. L then asked whether he was alright. He uttered L's pseudonym, which, for some reason lit a light in his depthless black eyes, and proceeded to check the names written in the notebook with the list of victims they currently had. After killing Higuchi, his gaze shifted to L, the man he loves. He loved L, deeply, but, because L is trying to capture him, he must kill him to create his ideal world. It saddened him to do so, but he had no choice.

He then remembered how L had deduced what his plan was, even though he did not know of the existence of the death note: he passed on Kira's power to someone else and planned for it to return to him once he was cleared, getting close to and killing L in the process, allowing him to take L's position and deceive the police while being Kira in secret. Back then, he was furious that L thought of him as that, but now, he was amazed that L managed to figure it out, which made him love L even more.

This seemed a very long thought process but in reality, it all passed in a flash when L spoke, breaking the silence and Light's reverie, "It's sad."

Confused about what L was referring to, Light raised an eyebrow, "What?"

L clarified with a small, rather bitter smile, "We'll soon part ways."

Light's eyes widened as his mouth slightly opened in surprise. Has he figured out that Light is going to kill him?! Is that  why he said that they'll be 'parting ways soon'?!

As those large, unreadable black eyes stared at him, he felt himself go warm and lean forward, some strange emotion flitting in those usually cold black eyes as the detective himself leant forward.

The ringing of L's phone broke their trance, Light looking away with lightly blushed cheeks in disappointment and relief that they didn't actually kiss as L nonchalantly picked up his phone and answered the call.

Light wanted the kiss to happen but at the same time scared that it might have led to more, had it actually occurred, which would have been his downfall for sure.

He jolted back to the present as they approached the taskforce members who were furious at L's decision to test the notebook.

As he has to keep his cover, Light asked in faked confusion and anger, "Ryuzaki, what's the meaning of this?"

L took the spoon out of his cup, and, pointing it at the death note, responded, "It means that I'm going to try out the notebook for real."

Everyone, including Light himself, gasped in surprise, even though Light expected L to indeed do this, knowing his suspicious nature.

The taskforce members argued that they already knew that the death note is real and that they cannot kill any more people but L insisted.

Just then, a bolt of thunder hit the building, causing a blackout and the taskforce members to panic.

Light and L watched through the cameras as Watari got a heart attack and tried to press a button on the keyboard.

L softly said, "Watari?"

They saw Watari struggle and somehow managing to press the delete button before collapsing onto the floor as L yelled in worry and dread, ripping Light's heart into shreds, "Watari!"

All the screens in front of them went blank and showed 'All data deletion", frightening the members further.

Aizawa asked in alarm, "Data deletion? What is the meaning of this?!"

L spoke in a cold fury, unlike any of the emotions Light had seen the detective exhibit so far, "I told Watari to erase all information in the event that something happened to him."

The Kiss of Death (DeathNote-LawLight)Where stories live. Discover now