Chapter 1

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They walked to where the others were, with Light pondering over what just happened between them.

They had gotten inside after they got drenched during their talk on the rooftop about how they weren't so different from everyone else.

Light was sitting on the stairs and drying his hair when L walked behind him and spoke, "Well, that was awful!"

Without even looking at him, Light retorted, "It's your fault. You were standing in that rain."

L responded, "You're right. I'm sorry."

As he closed his eyes and vigorously dried his hair, he felt a cold hand hold his foot, sending a pleasant shiver down his spine.

His eyes snapped open as he asked in confusion and slight annoyance, "What are you doing, Ryuzaki?"

L looked up at him and replied with wide eyes, "I thought I'd help you. Since you're enthusiastically drying yourself off."

Flustered at L's response even though he hid it under a faked look of irritation, he quickly said, "You don't have to do that."

But L insisted, "I can give you a massage as well. It's the least I can do to atone. I'm pretty good at it."

Realizing that L would keep on bothering him if he didn't let L help him and that a part of him actually liked the feeling of his foot in L's hand, Light averted his eyes and spoke, "Do as you please."

L replied, "All right."

Light had a sneaking suspicion that L knew that he was going to die today. The mention of "atoning" for everything he did to Light made his heart feel like lead: he didn't want L to atone for being right through out.

L stared at Light's foot for a moment as Light looked on in anticipation before he placed his hand with the towel under Light's foot, holding it.

L squeezed Light's foot, eliciting a soft 'oof' from Light.

Wondering what L is doing, Light called out, "Hey."

L simply massaged Light's foot and spoke, "You'll get used to it."

Light watched as L stopped what he was doing and resumed staring at Light's foot, drops of water dripping from L's raven black hair on to Light's foot.

Light let out a breath and, taking his own towel, dabbed at L's hair, "You're still wet."

L looked up at Light as if realizing it only now and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

Light gazed at L as he continued his massaging, their slow breathing filling the peaceful silence.

Light thought of the first time that they confronted each other.

He was frozen in shock as he registered the stunt L pulled using that criminal. Fear and excitement filled him when L taunted him that time, "So, come on! Try and kill me! What's wrong? Do it quickly! C'mon! Kill me! Come on, Kira! Try and kill me! What's the matter? You can't do it?!"

When L explained how much he knew about Kira, he realized the full extent of the information L had gained about him, including the 'hint' Light had unintentionally given him. He had finally met his intellectual equal! Someone who can actually challenge him! He was thrilled to say the least.

When he was talking to Naomi Misora to try to get her real name to kill her, she mentioned how he seemed like L and that she felt that the two were similar. He was surprised and gratified that she thought he was similar to L, as he had a high respect for L even though he intended to kill L.

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