Chapter One

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When Pizza told Pepper, Pepper couldn't believe her ears, Lucy was gone! She thought that maybe the old calico was confused, but she knew it was true. Lucy's kittens needed Pepper, they were just a few days old. Pepper then thought of her own kittens that were playing in their birthden.

"Pepper, we have to go get Lucy's kittens," Pizza told the younger black cat. Well, she was black with specks of orange and white. Sort of like her sister was. Pepper nodded and they headed out to the smaller barn where Lucy gave birth. Four kittens were laying alone in the makeshift nest Lucy used. Pepper careful picked two up by their scruff, and Pizza took the other two. The two she-cats then went to Pepper's kittens' birthden.

"Are those Lucy's kittens?" A small voice asked. One of Pepper's kittens, Sugar, emerged from the dark. Sugar was like Pizza, and almost identical to her.

"Where's Lucy?" Another of Pepper's kittens came and asked. This time it was Raven, a black tom with a white underbelly. Pepper's third and kitten, Lion, stayed behind. Lion was like Raven, but he had orange fur instead of black fur.

"Lucy's disappeared," Pepper told them, "and we have to look after her kits." Sugar sniffed the three younger kittens, curious.

"So Lucy can't play with us anymore?" Raven asked, sad. Pizza nodded, and placed the kitten she was holding into Pepper's nest.

"I can trust you three to be nice to them, right?" Pepper questioned her two sons and her daughter.

"Yes!" The three replied.

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