Chapter 2 - The Pain of fire

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Chapter 2 - The Pain of fire

As I got back to my dorm room, I undressed in the dark and crept into my bed. An arm was laid softly over me and a voice whispered in my ear. “Happy birthday beautiful. Now it’s legal for me to be with you.” He snickered and he crept closer to me. I thought back to the first time that we met at a party in one of the dorms.

I was standing in a corner enjoying my first drink when he came walking over to me.  “Hi there, beautiful.” He said as he stopped in front of me.

“Hi.” I mumbled not being able to meet his eyes. I had seen him in the hallways and in the courtyards. And every time I saw him, my heart started beating and I could feel myself blush.

He talked to me for over a half an hour, with me only muttering in response. He finally laid a finger under my chin pulling it upward and looked at me. “Are you this quiet because you’re shy or because you don’t want to talk to me?” He asked and I could see he actually looked worried when he said that.

I looked into his deep brown eyes and mumbled “Just shy.” I felt myself flush red. I had always been very shy, unless we were talking about books, or something to do with school. When I was in a classroom, I was so secure. I had forgotten my dread of speaking in public. But outside of that, I was socially awkward and to geeky for that matter.

He looked down at me and smiled. “That I like.” He said and bent down. I had seen this in a lot of movies; he was going to kiss me. He still had his finger under my chin, the other hand cupped around my neck puling me closer. I was confused. In one way, I wanted to stop this because I didn’t want to be another conquest. But another part of me was screaming for this to happen. I must admit that the part of me that was screaming for this overshadowed the other part fairly quickly as his head bent lower. And it was fireworks as our lips met. He was tentative and mild as his soft lips caressed mine. I don’t exactly know how this happened but I had surprised him and myself.

My lips broke apart from his and I set my cup with the drink on the dresser. I put an arm around his neck and pulled him down to me. My lips were neither gentle nor caressing. They were searching and eager. He responded by pulling me closer and harder against him and I had to break free because while he was kissing me, I had forgotten how to breathe. We had left the party and gone to a diner, where we has sat and talked for a couple of hours, before we said god night. I had written my phone number on a napkin and had given it to him like in old movies. 

His name was Angelo. His mother had had an aneurism when she had named him or so, he always said. Since his middle name was Jacob, we all called him Jake. We had been together for 6 months but we had decided to wait for me to turn 18 to have sex because then it would be legal. After a couple of weeks of dating, I had told him that I was only 17 years old. He hadn’t freaked or anything just looked a little thoughtful and said “that complicates things a bit.” When I told him that I was a virgin, he had looked surprised but made the point that he wasn’t going to press me to anything. He had been patient, had slept in my bed without pushing me. Actually he was the one who wanted me to wait longer. But tonight, I was legally 18 and I wanted my birthday present.

I turned around and snuggled into his chest and kissed his neck. He pushed me away and kissed my mouth gently. “Are you sure you are ready?” he asked. I kissed him on the mouth and could feel the eagerness in the way he kissed me back. He slid under my covers and pressed his body against mine.  Not roughly, but with at forcefulness that exited me even more. I moaned when I felt his hand caressing the skin on my thigh, he moved it slowly up to my hip and broke the kiss. He looked at me when he realised that I was naked. I could feel he was trying to hold back, that he was trying to make this good for me. He propped himself up above me and looked into my eyes.  “I have to do this gently. At least for your first time.” He half whispered, his breath was excited now and his eyes shone with lust.  As he leaned down to kiss me on my neck and pressed his body close to mine, I could feel the tightness in his pants. He had fallen asleep waiting for me with all his clothes on, which felt uncomfortable on my skin.

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