Leaving Once again

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As night fell in the city of Bellwood Ben knew he had to leave soon to  planet Galvan to get answers about the person that killed his parents but before leaving he wanted see favorite place in Bellwood from his childhood so he decided to go to his favorite place in Bellwood and Hope decided to come along with him for some strange reason Ben couldn't understand.

They went to Adrenaland, Ben's favorite amazement park as kid.

Hope was playing on of the park games and trying to win a stuffed animal while Ben just watched her.

"Why do I keep missing my target" said Hope in frustration as she threw the ball one last time but it missed once again.

Ben chuckled a little a failed attempts to hit the target.

"Like you can do any better wise guy" said Hope.

Ben just smiled before picking one of the balls and throwing straight at the target without missing.

"How did you..." said Hope shocked at how effortless Ben hit the target.

"It's simple, you just aim and throw" said Ben.

The man running the game then gave Ben the stuffed animal.

"Here you go" said Ben as he gave it to Hope.

"Thanks" said Hope trying hard to hide the fact she was blushing.

"What do you want to do next" asked Hope.

"How about a ride on the ferris wheel" said Ben.

"Alright then, that sounds nice" said Hope.

The both of them then went to the ferris wheel.

"Wow, you can see the whole city from here" said Hope looking at the amazing view of Bellwood from the top of the ferris wheel.

"Yeah you can, can't you" said Ben as he began to remember back when he was a kid back then him and his parents would always come to Adrenaland.

At tear fell down from his eyes as those memories made their way to his mind.

"Ben are you okay" asked Hope.

"Yeah I am" said Ben.

Hope could tell just by looking at him he was anything but okay.

"I know you're not okay 10 so spill" said Hope.

"I don't want talk about it so can we just drop it" said Ben.

Hope then sighed before saying"I get it Ben being back here brings back a lot of memories about you and your parents. Those memories also bring you a lot pain".

Ben remained silence but Hope understood and knew the kind of pain Ben felt.

"I know you feel alone but I'm here for you" said Hope.

Ben then took a deep and calming breath.

"I know you are Hope but I've been dealing with this pain for what feels like a life. I've learnt how to bear and endure the pain" said Ben.

The ferris wheel then stopped spinning and it was time for them to leave.

After spending sometime in the amazement park it was time for them to leave.

Ben decided to go to one more place in Bellwood before he left, the park where he would play as a kid.

"Tonight had to be the best night of my life" said Ben.

"Yeah, I pretty cool" said Hope.

"Thanks Hope" said Ben.

"I owed you one remember" said Hope.

"Not for your help for being friend" said Ben.

"I'm only friend" said Hope jokingly.

"Yeah I guess you are" said Ben before he and Hope began to laugh.

"I know you want answers Ben but there are something you are better off not knowing" said Hope.

"I have to you know Hope" said Ben.

"I get it, just be careful okay" said Hope.

"I will I promise" said Ben with a smile on his face.

"Oh and before I forget" said Ben as he brought out a small purple book.

"Oh and before I forget" said Ben as he brought out a small purple book

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Hey, you got me spell book" said Hope.

"Yeah, I might have borrowed it from the plumbers when they won't looking" said Ben.

"You're amazing 10" said Hope as she hugged him.

"Yeah I am but it helps having a device that came turn you into different aliens" said Ben playful.

After the hug Hope took the book and said "I guess this is goodbye".

"Yeah I guess it is" said Ben.

Hope then brought out a small pink ball from her bag.

"Here you go" said Hope as she gave it to Ben.

"If you ever need my help or a friend you can use that to summon me" said Hope.

"Thanks Hope" said Ben.

Hope then kissed Ben on the cheeks which caused Ben to freeze up and the two sides of his cheeks to turn red.

"No problem 10" said Hope with a smile on her face before she disappeared in a flash of blinding light.

Ben snapped back in to reality after she left.

He then transformed into an Aerophibian.

Ben the zoomed off, out of Earth's orbit moving at hyper speed until he reached planet Galvan

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Ben the zoomed off, out of Earth's orbit moving at hyper speed until he reached planet Galvan.

Ben10 : I'm no heroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz