chapter 1

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Wanda never thought of how she would die, it didn't really scare her, death as long as she has her twin with her she would be fine and she love him for just that, being her brother. She and Pietro where adopted after they escaped from a place that resembled hell called HYDRA. They experimented on the twins, ones that brought them unimaginable pain and trauma which had them gain abilities Pietro got the 'gift' as the doctors call it to run at an impossible speed and Wanda's were a bit more complicated as she got quite a few but were always connected to the same red mist that comes from her hands when she uses her abilities. But were they got abilities they also got consequences, side-affects such as Pietro getting silver hair and having a blue streak where ever he runs and Wanda's had red eyes when she would use them but she also got terrible migraines when around to many people with emotions as she also has the 'gift' of empathy.

They were adopted by two people who were unable to have anymore children even though they already had one her name was Lucinda Price, or as she liked to be called Luce. Lets just say the girl hates the twins. They cant figure out why, not even Wanda could figure out why she hates both of them but there was a time that Luce walked in on the twins using their abilities and since that day they had been known as 'the freaks' or 'the witch twins' and their were a lot of other names she came up with but were not going to get caught up in that.

now their adopted 'father' believes that all three of them need to go to a rehab school because Luce had an episode of some sort of black fog? and the twins were having nightmares about HYDRA, not that he knew it was about that. The twins never told them about the hell hole as they were scared they would only be called freaks like with Luce.

All of a sudden her twin Pietro knocked her out of her thoughts as he whispered to her "hey are you ok little sister?"

"yes Of Corse Pietro I'm just thinking about what will happen there and why we have this feeling" She responds talking about the strange pull both twins feel to this place.

"don't think to much of it sister you'll get wrinkles if you stress to much" The silver haired boy teased as his twin sister playfully glared back at him.

Both twins looked up when hearing a familiar screeching sound of a metal gate and saw that were there at 'swords& cross academy'.    

"I'm going to miss you two"  Mrs price muttered while hugging the twins making Lucinda scoff thinking of how unfair it was and that they weren't even their kids. Wanda hearing this, glared at Luce from behind Mrs price.

"we will miss you too Doreen." Pietro said while shifting from foot to foot wanting to go for a run as he was stuck in the car for too long.

The older couple then went back into the car after saying their goodbyes leaving the three teenagers to walk into the boarding school alone while Pietro and Wanda were holding hands as they usually do which always mad Luce look at them in disgust think of very inappropriate things to say about the twins to the new students they were going to meet.

As they walked into the door they saw a man with blonde hair looking at Luce but when his and Wanda's eyes meet his face shows and emotion of shock and love? she didn't know but what she did know was that when she looked into his eyes, hers turned red as if her powers felt comfort in the mysterious man. Ignoring the feeling she looked down to hide her red 'demon eyes' as Luce would say. Luce seeing the exchange glared at the brunette twin as they continued to walk through the large ancient like door.

"welcome to sword& cross academy, for over 75 years we have serve people who have more emotional or physical challenges that they face. at sword& cross we have been able to combine..." the man droned on but it started to fade away as all three teenagers looked over to the entrance to see a young man and a police officer exiting a car while walking into the academy.

"where do you want him this time?" the police officer asked as if it was an everyday thing.

"through there" the man said while nodding to the room to the right. "ill be right with you."

The three teenagers then watched as the young man took a lolly-pop and put it in his mouth as he turned to look at Luce.

"did he really just put a lolly-pop in his mouth with the rapper still on it" Wanda said with a little bit of disgust in her voice, her slokovian accent coming through strong  thinking of how disgusting the plastic must have tasted as Pietro chuckled at his sisters statement still holding her hand.

The boy looked over to Wanda hearing her statement after having an intense stare with Luce and looked at the Slokovian girl in shock and love again? and her eyes turned red like it did with the blonde boy making her look to the ground to try and subtly cover her eyes so no one would see as the man droned on about the the school, Luce also seeing this whispered something very quietly "freak"

Making Pietro glare at her while hugging his little sister by 12 minutes.

"now dump your hazards" the man said to the three, Wanda and Pietro already knowing what it means from HYDRA put their belongings into the box while Luce had to make it difficult and question it, but in the end she put everything in the box and after a little arguing she put her phone in it as well.

"haven't got all day randy" the police officer said getting the attention of the man.

"be right there" he responded.

"Arriane could you show miss Lucinda, Miss and Mr Maximoff to the dorms?" he asks a girl who was just about to walk by with her friends making her stop and nod while glancing at Luce as if she recognized her.

"sure I got it" she responds while her friends walk away.

"so tell me about your weekend Cam I'm all ears" the three teenagers hear as they walk to the other girl.

Then.... Pietro's eyes met Arriane's.

the wrong girl (Fallen fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें