10 • Weak But Confident

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"Push harder than yesterday to get a better tomorrow"

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"You are not supposed to be here," a deep voice shouted.

"I-I'm sorry i just wanted to- '' but then i saw who it was.

Lee Ransom.

"You think some punches and high kicks would knock out Zillah?" He shouted as he walked down the grandstand towards me.

"Well no but I have her defence now so she can get hurt now" I said determinedly.

"No she wont. You're not even close to her strength." He walked past the mannequin and grabbed the sword on the ground.

"You have her defence but you're still able to feel pain." He stood in a fighting stance, ready to attack me. I took a step back and did the same. Come at me old man.

He raised the sword and slashed the mannequin in half. 

"If you really were that confident about the powers you got, you wouldn't move a muscle." He said as he dropped the sword on the ground. 

I just noticed that I teleported 10 feet backwards without realizing.

"You don't belong here, you shouldn't have the powers. You aren't made for it" he shouted with a grin.

"Then i'm just being lucky, aren't I?" I shouted with a smirk.

He stood in a fighting stance ready to attack. I couldn't wait any longer. I want to knock his teeth out! I ran towards him and clenched my fists. I raised my right hand ready to throw a punch. He laughed and dodged. I fell on the ground and heard him laugh. I directly stood up and threw 3 punches in a row directly toward his nose. He dodged them all.

"Again" he said. What? What does he want from me?

I tried to kick him in his ribs but he grabbed my leg and pushed it away. I directly kicked with my other leg but he dodged too. He laughed but swiftly turned my back to him and kicked him in his head with the ball of my foot.

He fell on the ground with a little blood dripping out of his nose. 

He laughed and layed on the ground.

"Good job young man. But you're still too weak for the devil" he laughed and sat straight.

"Do you even know why you're going to Zillah?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

"Well yeah, getting rid of these powers so i won't die." I answered confused. 

"I'll just warn you, be careful in that city. It will be dangerous without doubt." He said while he stood up. 

"Go take some rest young man. You'll need the strength for tomorrow" he said as he walked away.

I looked at Willow, who was sleeping. Great, i'm going to try and wake up a wyvern. I slowly poked her wings and she directly opened her eyes. She stood up left her wing in the ground for me to climb. I climbed on her back and she waited for me to give a command. She was way better in listening then Arka. 

"You can go back to the stable," I said as I patted her back.

She started to run as she clapped her wings and took off. We were above the arena and as I looked down I saw Lee walking into the city. 

I still don't like him, but he helped me with training. 

We flew above the city as I heard the water fall on the ground at the cliff. It was a windy night but it felt good. Willow flew slowly without any sudden movements. It felt like freedom, even though a scary trip was waiting for me.

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