CHAPTER 1: All Alone

Começar do início

She chuckled at my childish behaviour.

We both got ready at my apartment only. I wore a black plain slip dress hugging my body perfectly while she wore a deep red corset dress.

Though the club we chose wasn't very far away but we hailed a cab reaching there within ten minutes.


Ordering a vodka I gulped it down while Lucy danced with some man she found. Though she wasn't ready to come here earlier but now she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Soon, I started to feel a bit suffocated in between such a huge crowd and I walked over to Lucy who was still dancing and shouted in her ear since the music was so loud. "I'm going outside for a few minutes."

She nodded and gave me a thumbs up and leaving her I went outside through the door leading to the back of the club.

I sighed taking in a deep breath, taking in the fresh air. A shiver ran down my spine noticing how not even a single soul could be seen here. The music coming from inside the club was the only sound that could be heard.

Maybe...I should go inside.

I turned around to go back inside when I heard a scream making me freeze in my spot.

Maybe I just imagined it.

But then I heard it again, louder than before.

Whoever it is, he/she is in trouble. Should I go check?

It's not your job.

What if they need help?

What if they met with an accident?

Before I knew it, I was walking towards the direction from where I heard the scream away from the club.

What if what Lucy said about all those Mafia is true and this person is being kidnapped by them?

My steps faltered. I am not physically strong enough to fight the mafia.

I should go back.


Just check once.

Gathering some courage, I continued walking.

A few buildings away from the club, I reached a dark alley where I heard the scream again. "Please, leave me."

Taking a deep breath, I stepped closer in the alley and saw a few men, around four to five standing around someone who was on the floor, backed against a wall.

I walked closer very silently but couldn't hear what they were saying since they were talking in a hushed tone.

"Someone help me." They whimpered and I realised it was girl considering the feminine voice.

Leave, Alfresca before you get killed too.

No. I should help her.

I saw a man cocking his gun and gathering all the courage I shouted. "Leave her alone!"

Their heads snapped towards me, one of them pointed the gun towards me in defence. It was dark, I couldn't make out their faces but they all looked bulky. Typical gangster type.

This was a bad idea.

I bit my lips nervously when one of the men took a few steps towards me. "Run away, lady. And forget you saw anything." He warned.

I had my chance. If only I had run away like he said my life would have run smoothly like it was going but I had to be stupid. I had to do this.

"No." I spoke firmly. "Let her go."

He smirked. "You must be very foolish to let your chance at life go away. I am giving you another chance. Leave. You won't like messing with the Meryd family, kid."

Meryd Family? It's the second largest Mafia in USA as Lucy told me.

Oh God.

"Leave her alone, please." I spoke again stepping a bit closer.

The man chuckled darkly and stepped closer to me making me more scared as he intimidated me, the gun still in his hand.

I decided to do something and I did a stupid thing again. Lifting my knees, I kicked the man in his balls making him groan in pain as he fell down, the gun dropping from his hand.

Bending down, I picked up the gun and pointed to him on the ground.

Before I could comprehend, I had shooted him in his leg making him shout as the others walked towards me.

Breathing heavily, not knowing what to do, I pointed the gun towards them hoping to scare them and their steps did falter.

I pressed the trigger again but this time nothing happened. The bullets were over already.

What the fuck?

Noticing this, they all smirked. I saw the girl that was behind them getting up and running away in another direction. At least I saved her.

But now, I was in a deep trouble.

I took step back and throwing the gun at one of the guys hoping it would hit him, I ran.

I ran as fast as I could and removed my heels and held them in my hands as I ran and they chased me.

What have a I gotten myself into?

I was running blindly, I didn't know where but the club couldn't be seen anymore so I wasn't running in that direction.

They were still behind me, shouting and yelling. The roads were all deserted. No one was there to help me. No one.

I took a sharp turn towards the right and thankfully, I recognised the area. My apartment was nearby.

I somehow managed to increase my speed and ran towards my apartment. I could see and hear them at a distance as I looked over my shoulder.

I smiled on seeing my apartment and ran inside it, climbing the stairs to the first floor. I hurriedly took out the keys from the small hidden pocket in my dress and opened the door and went inside.

Locking the door, I leaned my back against it placing my hand over my heart as I catched my breath.

I took out my small smartphone and opened it to see a few messages and missed call from Lucy.

Should I tell her?


I messaged her instead. I am sorry I had to leave all of a sudden. I was not feeling well. Couldn't find you so I left without informing.

Keeping away the phone I slowly sunk down on the floor drawing my knees closer and placing my chin over it.

What if they find me here?

Tears threatened to escape. I was all alone. No one could help me.

No one was there to even comfort me.

All alone. I was all alone.

Chapter completion on: 10/8/21

You Are The ReasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora