Part 1~where the story begins~

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"Once upon a time, in a far away land if ever after high is where it began, at a high for the the teenager daughters and sons and other alike of the most famous fairytale characters who ever lived this story begins with a rebel."

"It's the year of legacy day a event where the students pledge to all the magical world to follow the same path as their fairytale parents."

"Which they better to, or else."

"Im sorry who is telling this story? If you don't.."


"Would you two stop fighting peas and crackers" I look over at Madeline who just yelled at the sky

"Who are you talking to." Raven ask her

"Can you tell it's the Narrators she's talking to." I said turning to look at raven who is caring her

"And, y/n was right as always, you can't hear them Raven only I can."

"Okay can i talk now." Madeline nods

"I'm so sick of everyone thinking am so evil because my mom was." Raven stop walking as so did I

"That's the hard truth about us rebels we get look down on and people are scared of most of us." I said placing my hand on Ravens shoulder

"ITS NOT FAIR." Raven yell as her luggage disappears

"No one think you're evil, you're just talking crazy." Madeline said I let out a laugh

"Everyone thinks we're evil look at us are parents are the bad guys of the story just get use to it." I said

"Y/n easy for you to say people love you for being a pirates daughter." Raven said what oh yeah the whole pirate thing

"Yeah, still the daughter of a man that tried to kill a kid and his hand is gone good one if you ask me." I said walking inside the building full of chatter

"Everyone loves you Raven." Everyone went running as soon as they seen Raven walk in thought the door

"It could have been worse if you ask me." I say with a grin

~~Time Skip~~
Finally lunch time the time were I can relax Cerise and I where getting are lunches I look up to see apple white and Daring charming walking down the stairs with Patrick pan the son of the Peter Pan walking down with Danny Daring the daughter of Wendy Daring high school love yay I'm i right boring not like I care thought.

"Hey y/n." Daring smile at me and Cerise lashed out letting out a low growl and run off

"Nice job, so you got your teeth Whitened." I ask knowing he want people to notice

"Why wouldn't I, I need to look perfect for everyone." He flashed his smile burning the three little piggies that where eat lunch

"There the bell time for good kingdom management class." Apple said going off with Raven probably going to ask her what class she has next

"Hey y/n." I looked over to see Patrick

"You need something kid." I don't mean to sound rude I'm only telling the truth if you ask me

"Still with that nickname." I can tell he was getting annoyed by it

"Why not it's fitting after all." I said with a smirk

"We should get going to class or we are going to be late." Danny said I almost forgot that she was here for a sec

"Yeah, nice talking to you guys got to get going ." as I run of to make sure that Cerise is okay she almost went all wolf on little Charming back there

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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