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The wind was strong tonight. You felt like you would just drift off with it. You let out a sigh. Another hardworking day at the maid cafe. You had to help with the cooking since Usui was busy with the kids at school. Not that you hated it. It was a nice distraction from people. Certain people.

The moron trio were at their usual, trying to win games to get a picture with Misaki. Today she seems extra competitive. It's no surprise she won, leaving the boys upset and ordering a lot more food to indulge with their sadness.

Aoi chan was there too. He tried to wear a maid outfit while taking pics here and there as he yelled at Misaki about her taste in fashion. He did give you a glance but that was it.

Right after your shift as you were walking out you noticed Usui walking in from the entrance. He didn't seem to notice you. Which honestly you were glad that he didn't.

You were in your own world before you noticed the familiar green hair just ahead of you. You peaked closer to notice that it was Tora kun. Beside him was a dark purple haired girl. They seemed to be holding hands. A genuine smile playing on his lips. The girl returning it back. It seemed like he finally found someone.

He noticed you and called your name. You hesitated not wanting to be intrusive. But he called your name again, asking you to join them. To which you did, unwillingly of course but filled with curiousity.

You greeted the both of them. The girl introduced herself as Chiyo San. And Tora said that she was his girlfriend. You were a bit taken aback by the news. He tells you about how he realized that chasing after Misaki was just a waste of time and that his true love was right here in front of him. Chiyo San blushed at his lines. You smiled and wished them all the best before heading your way.

Everyone seemed to be happy. It made you happy too. Even after everything, you just can't hate Misaki. None of this was her fault. Or anyone's.

You can't control who you fall in love with. It's just.. Happens. It's something that brings you back to reality, realizing that not everything is a fairytale. There are no frogs that turn into rich princes, there is no glass slipper. That's just life. Love keeps you grounded. It's a rather bittersweet thing. Teenage love is something special. But it's not happily ever after. It's a memory to be kept in a special place in your heart. You will always love him. Even as time goes by and the romantic feelings slowly die, he will still be special to you. There's no stopping that.

A soft smile playing on your lips. An old burden lifting of your shoulders. You lifted your gaze to put the key in its slot when you noticed a figure slumped right next to your door. A familiar memory crossed your thoughts.

"W-whose there?" You asked shakily as it was too dark to see. you fumbled with your phone until you tapped on the flashlight icon. You quickly pointed it towards the dumpster and your eyes widened.

There stood Usui leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and looking at you in a peripheral vision. Your cheeks flushed and you quickly diverted yourself before he could even notice.

"And what do you think your doing here Usui?" You asked annoyed. "Why? Can't I stand here?" He asked with a nonchalant tone in his voice.

"No you baka! People will think that your a perverted wolf waiting to attack on innocent little red riding hood!" You yelled at him.

His eyes met yours. You could drown in those eyes forever if you could. They were beautiful. Bright green eyes, almost cat-like.

"Fancy seeing you here. How did you know where I live?" You snorted looking amused. He was talented in almost everything. So finding out your address didn't surprise you much. You knew he wouldn't harm you. Which got you curious, why was he here? He's supposed to be at the maid cafe talking about feelings and what not.

He stood there for a good few seconds before replying. " I want to talk." He said avoiding the question. You hesitated a bit before opening you door and letting him in.

Your house wasn't that big but it had a nice comfy touch. Fortunately your parents had gone out for a date night and probably would be back home late. The both of you removed your shoes at the door and you told him that he can sit anywhere.

You grabbed some leftover pandan cake that you had and made some tea to go along with it.

You walked back to check on Usui as the tea was being made. Your eyes widdened as he held an old photo album. You're body reacted as fast as it could and you grabbed the album away from him. "B-baka!" You yelled at him. "You can't just go through someone's stuff like that!"

He smiled slyly letting out a heh.

You glared at him as you hugged the album higher to hide the blush.

'You might wanna turn around.' He teased. Your glances sideways and realized the milk was overflowing. You immediately dropped the album and ran over to stop it from making more mess. You heard him evil laughing from the behind. "Your gonna pay for that!" You shouted back at him as you turned off the hear and grabbed a kitchen cloth.

It wasn't too big of a mess and the cloth was now soaked with hot milk. You turned around to go to the sink but instead got scared by Usui standing right behind you. In shock, you threw the warm cloth on his face. His teasing smile instantly went to a frown as you started laughing at him and the milk dripping off his face. "Serves your right!" You giggled. 'Yea yea whatever." He rolled his eyes. You were still laughing at his rare stupidity.

' I smell gross.' He grumbled. "It's your fault." You snickered. He frowned at you again. You smirked at him. "Oh yea? How about that." He said walking upto you. "What are you doing?" You questioned him taking a step back. He immediately enveloped you in a hug. Your body stiffened and you were frozen on the spot. His wet hair tickling your cheek. Your t-shirt started feeling cold and wet as it stuck to your skin. He snickered as he grabbed you tighter rubbing the milk all over you. Your heart was in your mouth. It was overwhelming and he didn't even know what he was doing to you. It was too much body touching and you immediately pushed him off. You were now sticky and wet with a flushed face. He noticed it but before he can say anything you immediately ran to the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh Y/n get a grip! It was just a hug! A very.. Tight hug.. Ugh!" You tried to calm yourself down. You started to remember the warmth he gave off even with the cold shirt. As his hands hugged you from the back. His chin resting on your shoulder. You shuddered. You took in another deep breath as you felt the warmness in your face fading away. You pretended that it never happened so it won't affect you again.

"I warmed up the bath for you.. " You said as you walked out of the bathroom. He simply nodded. It took about half an hour until the both of you were clean and warm again. This time you made sure the milk was properly heated.

"So.. You wanted to talk?" You reminded him while slowly sipping the hot tea. He was quite for the first few seconds. He met your gaze before putting his cup back on the table. You started feeling a bit squirmish under his gaze. "I was at the maid cafe." He stated. You nodded already knowing what was about to go down. "Misaki must have already told you I see." He pointed out. You frowned at his words. "How did you know that? Did she tell you that as well?" Well so much for girl codes. "Your eyes didn't hold its usual curiosity which means you already knew this. And you didn't ask me why I was there which can means that you also know what we talked about right?" You exhaled air through your nose. "Yes."

You already prepared for this. Then why were you feeling so disappointed? It made the atmosphere feel air tight. The old burden collapsing back onto your shoulders. You hated it. You hated how he was making you feel. He didn't even say anything yet and you were already trying to hold back the tears.

"She grabbed my hand and she called me a perverted alien when she was the sly one all this time." Your eyes met his once again, his eyes sparkling with an amused excited grin on his face. "And then, she confessed."


Just Think Of Me As A Sideline Character! ||Usui X Reader|| FanficWhere stories live. Discover now