PART [ 58 ]

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Happy Reading ☺️


Vikrant listen I came here  to talk  with you not to fight with you ,I said to him

You came here to troll me because my son is with you and I am in jail right , he said

Try to understand . If I want to troll you then why should I talk with you like this tell me ? , I said and he think for while and nodded his head

Listen Vikrant I will explain you Every thing !

Yes me & mahir are in Love when we studied college but we pathway because of some personal reasons and meher & you got married ! You both are happy but you start doubting her for everything

And you both started fighting for everything ! That's why she left from you and come with me ! He doesn't choose another husband for herself ! She just choose a guardian for her son that's it , I said

So nothing is happened between you both ? , He asked me

I can't lie because you should know ' you have rights to know , I said

So you both had sex after she runaway from my house , he asked me

Yess but nooo ! I can't tell you that we never had sex between us ! Yes we had but It's In our college days because we are in Relationship in those days

And believe me vikrant ! I never take any advantages after she left from you and she never gave me that rights too . We are good friends that's it , I said

Already she made me fool Now don't try to make me fool again mahir , he said

Still I am taking to you it's all for Bunty and his future ! Meher never betrayed you ! She runaway from you because she doesn't want Bunty to suffer because of your relationship , I said

So what you want ? , He asked

Please leave Bunty with me , I will take care of him ! Please vikrant , I begged to him

Can I say you something mahir ! Still I hate you but I see love for you in Bunty eyes ! You only give happiness to him ! I can be his true father but you are his god father , he said

That's means you agreed , I asked him

Yes ! But one condition , he said

What !

You should make me friend to Bunty and every month I will come to your home to meet him , he said and I smiled

Yeah ! Of course I will make it don't worry . Thank you much vikrant , I said


Thank you officer ! Thank you for making me to meet vikrant in this critical situation , I said to police officer

It's my pleasure mr mahir Seghal , he said

I was worried that you guys will allow me to meet him  but , I said

Because your father gained allots of Respect and now he is no more and Because of him I agreed you to go inside to the jail to meet vikrant , he said

Thank you officer , I said and left from their


My father gained lots of Respect and love from others but I spolied his reputation . And now he is No more in this planet and the only reason is his So called son me .

I went to my mom room ! She was sleeping . I touched her feet and said " I AM SORRY MAA " my tears felt on her feet ! Then she wake up !

Mahir , my mom said

Maa Aap !

What are you doing here beta ! And why are you crying , she asked me

Maa ....' maa I am ....I am sorry , I said and hugged her and burst out my all emotions to her

Listen mahir ! We can't change the past but you have to change you future brightfull , she said

But Maa tomorrow is that day ! Tomorrow Bela will confess about her feeling that she want me or him , I said

You trust your love right mahir , she asked me

Yes Mom I trust my love , I said

So Everything will be good and Tomorrow is big day in your life , my mom said

See Maa after this  I will  never broke her and I will treat as my daughter ! , I said and my mom smiled

Bela is my first daughter and Pinky is my second daughter then Bunty is my son . It's will be Happy family Naa maa , I said

Yess beta ! And I also want that , she said


Now I am waiting for Bela's Answer !

Bela say something that you want to marry me or want that mahir ? , Karan asked

I should choose any one right ! If I choose anyone then another will feel bad right , Bela asked

If they should say that they will accept bela's choice and they will be good friend with Bela , vyom said

Okay I will agree for everything ! If bela's choice is not me also I agree for everything and I will be a good friend with her ! , Karan said

I ....I ......, I don't have guts to say that if bela's choice against me then I will not disturb her and ! Because bela is mine I can't leave her for anything and anyone

I just nodded my head !

Okay you both listen ! It's not only about my life and it's Pinky's life too So I don't want this to affect her life that's why I choose good partner to myself and good father to Pinky , Bela said

Bela please say my name ! That you want your mahir .

I want .....I choose Karan ! Will you marry me Karan , Bela said and my heart broken into pieces


Is bela's Choice is Correct ? Or she took wrong Decision ?

Hope you guys like it
Climax is coming soon ✌️✨
Ignore my grammar mistakes
Lots of love

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