#31 - The Rescue - 1

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I didn't mean to delay this chapter. But well I had some parts of this chapter previously written. But then reading all the comments etc I wrote some other bits and pieces and then as usual I couldn't bring it all together and had to rewrite everything.

That's why I always say, even if sometimes I skip replying to your comments, I do read them and it does influence what I write. I might have a plot and I have an extreme bias regarding Max but my writing depends on my mood which invariably is influenced by all you readers, social media and my interaction with other TulMax fans.

Even after cutting short a lot of the action, this chapter still exceeded 9000+ words. Thus I split it into 2. Romance and Action dont really go together. Hopefully you will understand what's going on. In case you don't feel free to drop a comment. And I will reply. Promise!

Also this is just the connecting part for you all to understand what is going on. TulMax interaction is in part 2. Thus don't waste too much time reading this. I know most of you can speed read unlike me.

On a side note, I did my research and even traced out names of rivers, mountains, lakes and caves in North Thailand that I could use for this chapter. But in the end it became a bit too much for me to remember as the names are difficult and to keep going back to check references every few minutes was disrupting my writing. So I decided to use fake names influenced by the old westerns I like to read.


"P'Max you need to come back right now. P'Tul was kidnapped and now P'Mew has also disappeared." Gulf almost shouted down the phone.

It had been 3 weeks since Max had disappeared. And though it was not the first time Max had pulled a disappearing act, it sure was the first time he had disappeared for so long. Usually whenever he had a major fight with Great or his mom he would take off to cool down for a day or two. And it was a well known fact that if, and when Max disappeared on these rare occasions, his dad would be sure to know, cause Max would always inform him. And in usual case it would be next to impossible to get Max's dad to divulge Max's whereabouts, even to his mom or big brother.

So Max knew if Gulf had managed to convince his dad to let him contact Max it meant the situation was serious.

"Gulf! What exactly happened?" Max asked getting straight to the point without bothering to ask Gulf how he had known how to contact him.

"P'Great and P'Mew had decided to go talk to P'Tul regarding..." Gulf hesitated as he looked at Max's mom and dad staring at him, but then continued, "...regarding the matter between you and P'Tul. But just as they were reaching the hospital they saw some van drive into the hospital parking lot and kidnap P'Tul and P'Tay. I don't know why P'Tay was with him, but as per P'New, P'Tay had also planned to talk to P'Tul about the same thing..." he halted awkwardly.

"Okay so they got kidnapped. So what happened to P'Great and P'Mew?" Max questioned impatiently.

"Aaahhh, yes! They chased the kidnappers. But somewhere near the boulder pass the kidnappers ditched their car and started walking. P'Great and P'Mew also followed after them. And that was the last message I received from P'Mew. Since then I am trying his number but cant reach him or P'Great nor P'Tul or P'Tay." Gulf narrated.

Just then New took the phone from Gulf's hand and spoke to Max. "Max I am trying to arrange for the police force to launch a search party, but I don't think they will help. As per my senior it doesn't fall in our jurisdiction and the forest rangers need to do the tracking. I informed P'Min but she and her forces are very far from the Boulder pass area and it will take them considerable time to reach the area. Me and Gulf will go there now. We just hoped you would come as you know the area well."

Nong'Chili 🌶️🌵 Phi'Cactus (TulMax / MaxTul) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now