#13 - Panic no More

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"Can you pay attention when I am talking." Tul said in irritation as he looked at his brother.

Mew was calmly tuning Tul's Guitar, while Tul was packing an overnight bag for Mew.

"Look at the mess you have made of my room. That's why I hate sharing my room with you." Tul continued grumbling.

"Poor Max I wonder how he tolerates sharing his room with a nagging wife like you." Mew taunted.

"Excuse me...! Max is not a pig like you. He doesn't go messing stuff up." Tul retorted.

Mew laughed.

"What's funny?" Tul asked in annoyance.

Mew shook his head and pursed his lips. He didn't want to point out to Tul that he had not objected to being called Max's nagging wife.

"You are so annoying." Tul complained.

Mew grunted and continued fiddling with the Guitar.

"Mew! P'Mew can you atleast listen to me. Please..." Tul whined.

It was already 2 days since Mew and Bhu had arrived.

Bhu seemed to have become a part of Putter's family and Tul had barely seen him once since.

Mew too seemed to be very busy visiting some of the tourist attractions with Gulf.

Not that Tul minded. The hospital had been crowded and busy because of the accident incident. There had been loads of paper work as well.

Max too had been busy. The surge in customers had been monumental as many visited to catch a glimpse of the super star.

Mew would spend his day dragging Gulf around town and then spend his evening at the restaurant.

Yesterday the whole gang had been there, including Min. Tul had been quite amazed that Great could actually relax and even laugh. He had wondered if the transformation had been thanks to Mew's lively banter or if  it was because of Min who seemed to be glued to Great's side through out the evening. It was most probably Min if the way Great looked at her was any indication.

Once again the subject of visiting Monsoon lake was broached and they had all unanimously agreed to go on an overnight trip a day later.

Mew sighed and put the Guitar aside and looked at his little brother with a bored expression.

"Talk, I am listening."

Now that Tul had his brother's undivided attention he didn't know where to begin. He twiddled his fingers nervously and looked at Mew.

"Are you in love with him?" Mew asked. "Max that is."

Tul looked startled at his brother's direct question. "I don't know. How would I know if it's love or not. I mean love is such a big word... big thing... We are not even in a relationship or anything like that..." Tul stuttered.

"Tul, since you arrived here the only thing you talk about is Max this, Max that." Mew stated.

"Thats not true..." Tul protested.

Mew raised his brow and listed, "Max doesn't like spicy food, Max's favourite ice cream is strawberry, Max likes strong coffee with extra sugar, Max likes to wear white, he looks good in pink..."

"He looks good in black..."

Mew continued like Tul hadn't spoken at all. ".....he sleeps on his right side. You know his blood group, what medicine he is allergic too..."

"I am a doctor and he keeps getting hurt a lot..."

"You know all this because you are a doctor? Really? You want me to continue? I am sure you even know the size and brand of his underwear...," Mew said drily.

Nong'Chili 🌶️🌵 Phi'Cactus (TulMax / MaxTul) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now