Our Goodbye's

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Were on our way to the airport so we can finally go with my dad...we haven't lived together for about 10 years. He's been in jail one time after the other..

He's been there 3 times, in total the full 10 years. Me and my brother hate it at my moms. Especially with her new stupid boyfriend,  such a perv I couldn't even be able to wear a crop top that didn't even show my belly button, but besides all that I'm really happy to see my dad again. I'm 16 which means my dad was sent to jail when I was about 5-6 years old, it affected me badly because my only father figure was my twin brother.

Anyways my mom was currently "sweet talking" it's all fake.

Moms pov:
"Be safe hun don't have unprotected sex"

Isabell's pov:
"MOM! We're in public"

Moms boyfriend's pov:
"And you Chris don't get anyone pregnant"

Christians pov:
"Like you should be talking" Isabell laughed.

A while later me and Christian were off to San Fernando valley!
A couple hours later we landed and we seen our dad waiting for us. We quickly ran to him and gave him the biggest hug ever.

Papa's pov:

I could tell my dad said super exited to see us. We left and we went back to our old home, I miss this house it brings 4-5 years of memories back ha.

-A week time skip-

I was walking through the neighborhood with my brother when I saw this mad FINE looking boy around my age.

Christian's pov:
"Stop drooling"

Isabell's pov:
"I'm not" I laughed.

Christian's pov:
"Whatever you say. Just be careful...remember that one kid we used to play with?"

Isabell's pov:
"Luis Mendoza?"

Christian's pov:
"Yea that's him. He's in dads gang and he said he's an ass"

Isabell's pov:
"He don't look like one"

Christian's pov:
"I'm just repeating what dad said?"

Isabell's pov:
"Alright well ima talk to him"

Christian's pov:
"Be careful princess"

Yes my brother calls me princess if you think of something else you need help. The kid raised me and him at the same time he's always called me princess.

Isabell's pov:
"I will.."

I go over and sit next to him.

Isabell's pov:
"Hey Luis"

Luis's pov:
"Hey-" he turned to look at me
"Shit your Isabell I remember playing with you and Christian"

Isabell's pov:
"It's good to know that an old friend remembered me"

We start talking and then another dude comes up to us..
Luis quickly changes his expressions and has the nerve to say this...

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