"I saw you two talking"

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Luis's pov:
"That or it could be just as friends?..."

Isabell's pov:
"I'm good with the date" I smile

Luis's pov:
"Great!- I mean yea alight.."

Isabell's pov:

Luis's pov:
"Tomorrow night 7?"

Isabell's pov:
"Yea...see ya"

Luis's pov:
"Bye mami"

I walk back to my brother and he's still talking to the other dude..

Christian's pov:
"You okay. Did this güey do anything to you?"

Isabell's pov:
"No I'm fine, ya vámonos"

Christian's pov:
"Alright. Y quédate eh porque si escucho eso otra ves lo que le dijiste te meto un pútaso"

I laugh and we go back home

Isabell's pov:
"Papi ya llegamos"

Papá's pov:
"Si hijos ¿como les fue?"

Christian's pov:
"Bien pero un puto se metió con nosotros"

Isabell's pov:

Papá's pov:

Isabell's pov:
"Nadie pa"

Christian's pov:
"No quiere decir porque she likes the kid"

Papá's pov:
"Bell you just got here and you like someone?"

I see my dad smirk

Isabell's pov:
"Yes pa

Papá's pov:
"Como se llama? ¿Lo conozco?"

Christian's pov:
"Yes" I roll my eyes

Isabell's pov:
"Your trying to get me killed" I hit him on the shoulder

Papá's pov:
"Lemme guess who..."
"Oh wait ya se...Mendoza"

Shit he actually guessed right I barely know him and he knows my type!..

Isabell's pov:
"Como sabes?"

Papá's pov:
"I saw you two talking"

Christian's pov:
I laugh because I didn't know he would find out so soon about my sister and Luis. I mean they've only been talking for less than 4 hours.

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