Beyond quotes of author

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"It's hard not to give up when there's nothing left to fight for."

"It is always an honor to serve your Troop."

"Protect Shadow..."

"Two united, just as they should."

"It's easier to say goodnight to your Troop rather than goodbye."

"Rogues have a far more important role than the Troops..." Forshadowing.

"A sacrifice to her Troop that will always be remembered."  About SunFeather's Sacrifice.

"It's not always about choosing the correct path."

"The former leader before Raggedfeather is making his amends."

"Ghost's path may be more important in the hunt for FierceTroop."

"Shadowfoot wasn't destined to die. Shadowstride was."

"Treat others as they treat you...Darksky brought that upon himself."

"A more exciting path awaits for the Beyond Jaguars. Especially Pine Feather, Dancing Leaf, and Peace."

"The amber and green eyed Jaguar has something brewing behind the scenes."

Short from "Dark Dripping Sap's Perspective":
Drizzle stared at the stars. This time the twinkles had no meaning to her—not anymore. She didn't know what lay ahead. All she'd tried to do was show others how much they should have appreciated the Spirit Stars.
"I'm sorry, Drizzle," Breeze said sincerely.
Drizzle leaned into him, and buried her face into his warm neck fur.
"This was her endgame," Willow Cub explained.
"Drizzle's Endgame," responded the other she-Jaguar, her eyes glittering. "Willow Cub, show me more."
"Of course, mother."  The she-Jaguar's eyes flicked immediately to her cub.
" called me your...mother..."  Her voice stopped.
"You are my mother," Willow Cub joked. She smiled and glanced at Drizzle's past.
"She was broken. Breeze will fix her."

"Not knowing a decision yet is for the leaders to worry about. UnitedTroop will always stand by Burner's side."

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