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I gave a small wave to Chat Noir as a goodbye, but before I could leap off and de-transform, he grabbed onto my waist, catching me off guard.

"What's wrong Chat?" I sighed, expecting him to confess his undying love for me once more. His eyes were sad though, filled with doubt and question.

"Are you okay?" I grabbed his hands into mines, holding them comfortingly as if trying to coax an answer out of the cat.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered, now looking directly into my eyes, as if looking for hesitation. "Of course I do! I trust you with my life Kitty!"

"Then why can't we reveal our identities to each other? Why Ladybug?"

The name sounded so foreign on his tongue.

"Because Chat its very danger-

"IT'S JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T TRUST ME ISN'T IT?" He exclaimed, "Just say it Ladybug. You don't trust me."

It broke my heart seeing his usually happy
go-lucky self be so sad and upset, but he does have a right to feel things.

"This isn't about trust Chat Noir, you won't understand anyways!"

The white suit, the white mask, and the sinister look in his eyes were too much to remember.

Too much.

"Then help me understand, please." His tone sounded desperate.

I began to feel the familiar sting of tears poking your eyes. "No, I can't." Everything was too much, my vision somehow turned this pitch black suit into the pale white one, so I turned around, silently sobbing.

"You can't, or you won't?" Chat's face was now scrunched up, as if annoyed with my unclear answer.

Opening my mouth was one thing, but forcing words out were something I couldn't bring myself to do. The rapid beeping of my earrings rang in my ear, driving me insane. "I'm sorry." I choked out, before flicking my wrist so the yo-yo would latch onto a building far from his sight. "I just can't lose you again. Not to him, not ever."

With that, a final broken look filled with what I think was hatred was the last thing I saw before swinging away.

*With Chat Noir*

He watched her swing away. The way she dodged the questions was the only confirmation he needed. Chat's face twisted with frustration as he punched the air swiftly.

"I need to go." He spoke to no one in particular and jumped onto another rooftop, steps sounded louder than intended, alerting the people inside the buildings.

Without his knowledge a black butterfly fluttered towards him and wedged it's way into his bell.

"So Ladybug doesn't trust you anymore than?" Hawkmoth's voice rang through his head, as if reading the thoughts he had. "What if I could give you a power, that would remove all the obstacles in your way, so that she would trust you again and nothing would be in the way of your love."

This guys voice was very convincing.

"It's the miraculous' fault for forcing secrets onto you two, if you just give me both of yours, nothing, will stop her from loving you, so do you accept Chat Blanc?" Hawkmoth smirked at the answer given.

"Yes Hawkmoth."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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