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One by one everyone introduces themselves. Asher, a loud, playful, and Theatre obsessed girl with shoulder length red hair, dark green eyes, braces, freckles placed almost strategically across her nose and cheeks, and glasses. Mark, an even louder, stud looking guy with black hair and brown eyes, a straight white smile, plenty of muscles, and light tan skin. (Sorry I had to😭🤚). Lucas, a small, awkward guy with blonde hair and blue eyes who seems like he's only here because someone feels bad for him. And finally, Carter, a tall, snarky guy, with dark blonde hair, light blue eyes, a waaay too white smile, and an over bearing flirty personality.

When I shook hands with him he kissed my hand and winked at me which made me extremely uncomfortable. I glance at Bo to see a grim look on his face. I can't put my finger on what it means but it doesn't seem good. I pull my hand away and give Carter an awkward smile and tuck my hands in my jean pockets while I listen to the conversation carry on. I glance down at the ground and see Bo has his hands in his pockets as well but he seems to be fidgeting with something. I look up at him and he smiles awkwardly at me while giving me a look that basically begs if we can go elsewhere. I nod and he tells the group that him and I are gonna head out.

We walk slowly to the park in silence until Bo breaks it.
"Well, that's my friends heh"
"They're quite interesting. Carter's a bit strange and Mark looks out of place" I respond lightly with a small laugh.
He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles "yeah Carters a perve and Marks only here because him and Asher are dating"
I nod and we continue walking. The silence is peaceful with him. With most people the silence screams and makes my skin crawl but with him it's comforting and safe. We walk to the park and sit on the swings where we talk for a few hours and he basically asks me tons of questions about my life and my goals in life. I answer without realizing just how much I'm sharing.

The sun starts to set and we both realize we should probably head home. He walks me home and we continue talking peacefully about everything and nothing all at once. When we get to my door he smiles.
"You're fun to be around (y/n), we should really hang out more" he says with a smile while he plays with his fingers and looks down at the ground. I nod in agreement with a smile and thank him for walking me home. He lives only a house or two away from me which is nice. I'll be able to see him a lot more.

The moment I got inside my mother is instantly asking me questions about Bo. She saw him and I walk up and is now full of questions. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs hoping she won't follow. Once I get into my room I grab a pair of sweatpants and a comfy tshirt and walk into the bathroom to shower. I take off my school clothes and step into the shower with a slight smile while I think about today. It was a good first day of school.

Word count~ 576
A/N: ohhhh man I'm on a roll. Thank you so so much for 100 reads on this story!! It means the world to me that people are actually reading my work. I love you all very much!!

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