"Are you gonna follow me like a lost puppy?" i say laughing.

"Well no one is there yet so might as well." he shruggs.


"Oh so you hang out with me cause i'm your last option?" i ask feeling kinda hurt.

His eyebrows shot up realizing how what he just said sounded like and he makes his way to me grabbing both of my arms.

"No no that's not what i meant princess! I enjoy hanging out with you especially when no one is around cause i get to have you for myself." he smirks and i feel my cheeks heat up. The use of his nickname for me makes me look always in shyness.

I ignore his last statement cause he's probably just messing with me and i smile at him. We finally reach the costumes trailer and i tell him i won't be long.

As i'm finishing dressing up and put the tank top on i have to hold on to the wall cause i feel myself feeling really dizzy. I go and sit down not risking to fall.

As i'm holding my head in my hands i hear a soft knock on the door followed by Drew's voice.

"Hey you're okay in there? You're taking longer than usual." he asks and i can picture his eyebrows furrowing.

I sigh and tell him i'm fine but my voice comes out shaky. That's all it takes for him to open the door. As soon as he sees me he speeds to my side on the floor.

"What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay? " he asks grabbing my face with both of his hands.

I smile at his ramble of questions and look up at him.

"I'm okay i told you i'm just tired" i say looking away feeling kinda flustered by his proximity.

He grabs my chin with one hand and makes me look at him once more.

"Yeah i'm not buying that bullshit. What is it?" he tells me his voice full of concern as his eyes switch between my eyes.

I sigh. "I'm just feeling dizzy since this morning but i took some medicine so i'll just wait for it to kick in." i admit.

"And you didn't tell me that because??" he asks and i can feel my heart warm to his concern.

I go to stand up by myself but he's quick to help me holding my forearm with one hand and the small of my back with his other. His fingers causing goosebumps all over my skin.

"I didn't want people to worry for nothing" I say making my way to my purse to check my phone hoping he'll just drop the conversation.

He goes to me and softly grab my forearm making me look up at him as his eyes soften.

"But i'm not 'people'. I care about you and you can always tell me when something's wrong okay?" and i nod. His eyes lower to my lips for a few seconds before he looks at the door and pulls away.

"We need to go before you're late." he says before leaving the trailer.

I sigh. Did we just have a moment? Nah see that's what i always do. I have a crush on someone and then convince myself everything they do has romantic purposes when they're really just being friendly.

I make my way to the beach for my first scene of the day.

2 hours later

"Cut! We're done for this scene!" the director yells and a sigh of relief escapes my lips. This was just a scene of a conversation between my character and sarah, rafe's sister, but it felt like an eternity. This headache really doesn't wanna go away and i gulp thinking about the next scene which is the bonfire. Just thinking of all the noise, the loud music and everyone talking in that scene makes me wanna throw up.

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