Rachel - Welcoming Barbara Berry Pt. 1

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(A/N: I'm kinda basing Lima off my hometown in Michigan, wich is basically in the middle of nowhere with the closest hospital being like 2 of 3 hours away)

Rachel was 9 and a half months pregnant, 2 weeks over due. And being the badass she is was still going to school. Sadly it wasn't much better for being pregnant. Everyone was making fun of her for the name she had chosen for her little girl. Except the Glee club of course. They were the ones who were standing by her choice to keep her even though her dads wanted her to put baby girl up for adoption. Or have an abortion...

It was at the end of the day and Rachel was sitting in Glee club listening to Mr. Schue talk about regionals when liquid, a warn liquid started to trickle down her leg and she felt a horrible pain in her abdomen. She knew exactly what it was and so her hand shot up.

"Yes Rach," Mr. Schue said pointing at her with a marker. "My-my wat-water broke-broke," Rachel stuttered through the pain. "Ok, girls and Kurt take her into the bathroom, and get towels, we might be having a baby here! Guys go get Miss. Pillsbury and Coach Sylvester," Mr Schue instructed. Kurt and Mercedes helped Rachel limp to the bathroom well they practically carried her. While the others got the doors.

The nearest hospital was 4 hours away so the likely hood of baby girl being born in the bathroom or in the ambulance was high.

"Ok Rachel, Im going to pull your pants down to see how far dilated you are ok?" Kurt asked when they got her situated on the bathroom floor. And she was the most comfort about with Kurt looking at her pussy. "O-ok" she mumbled-stuttered. Kurt took a measuring tape that he kept in his bag and checked. "Ok she's 4 centimeters" Kurt announced.

Soon after Miss Pillsbury and Couch Sylvester arrived with more towels and a bowl of warm water "ok, I checked and she's 4 centimeters," Kurt explained. "Ok, are you doing ok Rachel?" Miss. Pillsbury asked. "Ye-mh-yeah I'm o-ok right n-now mhm," She groaned. She felt like her vagina was on fire. And she was sweating a lot. "Quinn, get some ice chips. Mercedes, get something to put the baby in, Kitty, tell somebody in the office, and Marley lock the door once everyone's back, we don't need the world watching this," Couch Sylvester instructed.

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