I dont wanna lose him

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5 days later

Deans pov

I had been spending time with Cas the 5 days. He took the days off. We had a lot of fun. I loved spending time with him. I did think about him not saying I love you but he was so happy to see me when I came back to him so I just took it as he want to be with me. It made me feel better. I went to play today. I had been playing some. Cas washed me play. I just played in front of him or he played some. It was just to get ready. I went to the stadium. My friends saw me and went to me happy I was back and okay. We played some before actually playing the once that matters. Dad let me play. I was happy he was okay with it. I played some. Dad told me to be some off the field because he wanted me to go slow on it again and not to hard. I took it as him caring for me. I liked it. I did as he said. We won. My friends asked me If I wanted to go to the bar with them. I did. Some of the guys was enjoying having girls over them. I didn't because I had Cas. I told the girls no. They didn't like it. The guys laughed. "Why not Dean she hot" one of the guys said drunk. It was everyone on the team. "Are you taken?" Dan said one of my closer friends. "Yeah" I said. "wow" Dan said drunk. I laughed at how wasted he was. I didn't drink much I didn't wanna get a hung over and throw up so I just stayed away from much. I had told Cas I was hanging with my friends. It seemed like Dan was about to throw up so I got a trash can. He threw up in it. The other laughed. I didn't I felt bad for him "Why haven't you told us you are dating someone?" one of them asked. They were all drunk. "I just haven't really had the opportunity" I said. "But Dan didn't know? He is your best friend isn't he?" one of the guys asked. Dan was just leaning on the trash can. I helped him lay down. He was drunk really drunk. "Why didn't you t-tell m-me?" Dan asked weak and sad. It looked like he was about to pass out. "I can tell you later when you are sober" I said getting up. I helped him up. "Where are you going?" one of them asked. "I am taking Dan home" I said taking Dan's arm over to my right side to hold him up. I walked out with him. I walked home to me because his apartment was so long from here and I didn't think he should be alone. I came in. Cas looked at me confused seeing a guy with me. Dan was almost passed out. "He is really drunk. Can you ge some water" I said going to the sofa placing him down. Dan started to gag. He was on his back so he was shocking on his vomit. "H-Hey I here Cas can you come with a bucket fast he is gonna throw up" I said trying to comfort Dan at the same time. Cas came with a bunket and I took him over it. He threw up. I rubbed his back. Dan was the first person I told I was bi to. I became really close to him. I have known him since high school. I have never seen him so drunk. It worried me. He always stayed away like me. He threw up a lot. He wheezed at the end. I took him away from the bucket. "Dan focus" I said worried. He kept wheezing. I didn't know he had asthma. I don't think he knew either because I knew he would tell me that. Or I hope so at least. Cas looked at me worried. I put him on his side. "D-Dan s-stay w-w-with m-me" I said worried. Cas called the ambulance. I tried to calm him down. He started to breath a little but it was barely. I was panicking but I tried to not show it to make Dan panic and get worse. He was struggling to breath. Cas went away. I don't know where he went. I just focused on Dan. I stayed by his side trying to comfort him. He was barely breathing. I had glassy eyes. He meens so much to me. He is my best friend. Cas came running in with an inhaler. I didn't ask just put it in Dan's mouth and talked him through it and he breathed it in and started to cough. I gave him a second one. He was shaking but he was breathing better. I was so relived. I was so worried about him. The ambulance came. I went with Dan. Dan had passed out but I went with so I could be there if he woke up. I stayed in the hospital. Cas came a little after. The doctor checked Dan and they told me he had asthma and records showed he had been told yesterday. I became confused and upset he didn't tell me about something like that. The thought of he could have died kept going in my head. He was unconscious still with a mask over his mouth. Cas took his hand on mine to comfort seeing I was worried and hurt. I looked at him. "t-thank y-you f-for g-getting a-an i-inhaler" I said. "I remembered my brother had forgotten it in my car. I am glad I could help" Cas said softly and took me in to a hug. He stayed with me. We both stayed at the hospital sleeping there too.

Next day

Cas needed to go to work. I stayed with Dan. He hadn't woken up. The doctors said it was because he had drank a lot and he was exhausted. I was hurt he hadn't told me such an important thing. He could have died. And what made me more upset was that he didn't get an inhaler. He didn't go to get the medications the doctor told him to. I knew I was upset because I care so much about him. He is like an brother to me. I waited in the hospital for him to wake up. I wasn't leaving him. I was upset he didn't tell me but I knew it was a reason for it so I was gonna give him the chance to tell me. And I wont leave if it isn't a big reason because I care to much about him. Dan slowly woke up an hour later. I saw his finger move and looked at him as he slowly woke up. He looked at me weak. "hi" I said and got the doctor. He took the mask off. I sat down beside him on the bed. Dan wasn't looking at me knowing I was upset at him. He guessed I had found out. "I-I-I a-am s-s-sorry" Dan said sad. I looked at him. "You could have died. If it wasn't for Cas randomly having his brother inhaler you would probably have died. Or get more badly hurt. The doctor told me you had been there yesterday and they had told you. You have asthma. Why didn't you take it serious?? They said you didn't get the medications" I said upset. he was looking down. "E-Emma b-broke u-up w-with m-me...s-she s-said m-m-my p-personality w-was g-g-garbage" Dan said tearing up. "s-s-sorry" Dan said trying to stop. I felt bad for him. I took him in to a hug. He hugged me back. "She is bitch to tell you that. You deserve someone better. She doesn't deserve you" I said rubbing his back softly. "Why didn't you take the medications?" I asked calm not to hurt him more. He took a deep breath. "I-I w-was s-s-scared I-I c-c-couldn't p-p-play a-a-anym-more" Dan said sad. "You can, you just need to take the medications and then you can breath okay. And I will be there for you. I am always there for you" I said softly. "Is this why you drank so much? I know its not like you to drink so much" I asked caring. "I-it w-was a l-lot of s-stuff. H-her l-l-leaving m-me a-and y-you g-g-getting h-h-hurt a-and t-the a-asthma n-news" Dan said sad. "I am really sorry. I will be there for you" I said caring. After an hour we went out of the hospital to my apartment. We watched some movies and had fun. I wanted to make him feel better. He sweared to me he would have the inhaler on him and tell people about it. Cas came home a little after. And I let them get to know each other and we all had some fun. I told Dan he could stay but he said he would be fine. He sweard he would call if he needed something. I went to bed with Cas later.

Next day I played soccer training. I took Dan with me to play soccer later just us two. He liked it. I was happy I could make him feel better. "Dean?" Dan asked sitting down to drink some water. "Yeah?" I asked and went towards him. "I know you said you weren't sure if you were ever gonna come out in the public but now as you are dating a guy are you gonna come out?" Dan asked. I sat down. "I don't know..I never really wanted to come out. My dad told me not to as I told you. I just don't want hate on the team because I like guys" I said looking down. It was quiet for some seconds. "But it aint right tho. You shouldn't need to hide who you are" Dan said sad. "I know" I said and sighed. It was silent for longer. I got up not wanting it to be silent more. "come I wanna play more" I said trying not to go to dark. It means a lot Dan cares about my well being. He got up and played more with me.

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