Chapter 12 - Unexpected.

Start from the beginning

"Well, I am in need of a hangover cure, so it is gonna be Irn Bru for me - is that ok?"

"Yeah, sure that's fine," I nodded. Irn Bru was what some people said, a Scottish cure-all so this wasn't the first time I had heard that it was good for hangovers.

Handing me a tin, she closed the refrigerator and moved to the cupboard, "you want a glass?"

"No, I'm good thanks," I nodded.

"Alright," she closed the cupboard and proceeded to grab a straw from the canister on the counter, offering me one I declined as she nodded then placed it back in place, "ready to get these movies started?"

"Absolutely," I smiled as she grabbed the bag of junk food we had purchased and led the way to the den that was on the other side of the house. This wasn't a room I had been in yet.

The room was painted a deep claret colour, all the fixtures were wrought iron and Gothic in design. Candle-bras were bolted to the wall with flame shaped light-bulbs that cast an intimate glow. The windows were framed by floor to ceiling black drapes that she quickly closed to create an even more intimate atmosphere. There was a huge sectional sofa designed in a half circle in front of the exterior wall where there was a huge TV bolted to it - on either side and underneath were shelves that were stacked with blue-rays and DVD's. The walls had framed movie posters plastered around - The Lost Boys. The God-Father. Taxi-Driver. Cape Fear. The Fast and Furious. Death-Race and The Transporter. It was an eclectic collection that somehow seemed to match the woman she was. In the corner of the room was a popcorn machine on wheels and a bar ran along the wall next to it. In the furthest corner near the back window was a lazy-boy chair and a small shelving unit that was overflowing with books.

"Movie buff, huh?" I asked, my eyes drinking in the room that seemed to scream with this woman's very essence.

"Oh yeah, I love movies -," the blush stained her features and in the dim glow of the room - it made her appear more beautiful than I had even been aware of, my body reacted to the sight of her as if it had a mind of its own, "and reading. I guess I am a bit of a book-worm,"

"I really love what you have done with this room," I moved towards the vast array of movies and TV Show box-sets to find an eclectic collection from comedies to horror, to thrillers, to drama and parodies, Hell there was even animation in there too, "these are all yours?"

"Yeah," she blushed, "there was a lot more but with Jonah gone, some of them were his and it wasn't right to keep them," she grabbed the remote control and turned the TV on, "this TV is only set up for movies, can't get regular channels on it," she explained.

While she was setting up the movie, I emptied the bag of our junk food onto the table that was in front of the large sofa. It was the type of sofa that encouraged snuggling and I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have her all curled up at my side - her head resting against my chest as my hand drew light circles over her lower back. It was an image that seemed to sear itself into my mind's-eye. God, I wanted that more than I have ever wanted anything.

Once she had the movie all set to go, she lit a couple of candles in the room and pulled out an ashtray from behind the bar area, placing it on the table where the snacks were, she flopped down onto the sofa - not directly beside me but still close enough that I knew I was going to be distracted. I had to fight everything inside of me to not turn towards her and gape as she pulled the tie from her hair and those gorgeous curls tumbled from the up-do and she curled her feet up underneath her and pressed play on the movie.

Fuck me I wanted to bury my face in those long locks, I wanted to inhale her scent until it was all I could smell. I want to get so lost in her that I can't find my way back. I want her so badly that I was literally fighting myself not to reach out for her.

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