Chapter 8: Grand Introductions

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"If it were Mary puking her guts out for whatever reason, I would want to know," is all he says before standing up. "You're dizzy because you don't have anything in your system. We need to get something in you so you can at least stand up and move around." I start to protest, knowing it's probably not a good idea to put anything in my stomach right now, but Brandon cuts me off. "You don't want to get a dizzy spell while you're standing on stage in front of the entire pack, do you?" I shake my head no. "Good, then let me help you downstairs and then I'll figure something out."

I let him follow close beside me as we head down the stairs. I make a beeline for the couch instead of the kitchen and quickly fall onto the couch. I vaguely hear Brandon saying something about going to find something in the kitchen, but I simply lie back and close my eyes. My mind drifts to the memories Mason and I have made on this couch. I run my fingers over the back as I picture the two of us lying in each other's arms with nothing but our love surrounding us.

A sudden knock at the door followed by the door quickly being opened pulls me from my dirty thoughts. I hear Brandon curse softly as he drops whatever he was messing with in my kitchen. I want to roll my eyes at whatever mess he's making that I will have to end up cleaning later on, but I'm more focused on who just let themselves into my house.

"I'm sorry," I hear Emma's voice ring out. I relax at the sound of her voice and lie back down on the couch. "Mason let me know that Alaina wasn't feeling well and since I know what today feels like I thought I'd drop by. I thought you would be upstairs and wouldn't hear me knock. I was going to holler up to you when I got inside," she explains, her voice growing louder as Brandon no doubt leads her straight to me.

"You're fine, Luna. You just startled me is all. I was just in the kitchen trying to find something for her to eat. She's got nothing in her stomach anymore and she's dizzy." I glare at Brandon as he comes around the couch. Why doesn't he just write in the sky that I'm so nervous I'm making myself sick? "Maybe you can get her to eat something without scowling at you," he mumbles before turning to head back towards the kitchen.

"Brandon," Emma calls after him. He stops and turns back to her. He doesn't look her in the eye like he does me, but then again he's probably not supposed to look at me like that either. We're just friends and I hate him being so formal around me so I allow him to do plenty of things he probably wouldn't do otherwise. "Just get her some soup. Nothing too heavy that will upset her stomach," she instructs before moving towards me with a huge smile on her face. I don't know if I've ever seen this woman without a smile on her face. Her blue eyes seem to dance as she nudges my shoulder for me to sit up.

I do as instructed, and she quickly sits down and pulls my head onto her lap. I smile up at her softly and close my eyes as I relax into her as she starts running her fingers through my hair. "You know, when Mason was growing up, I used to always picture what I thought his mate would look like. With his blond hair and unique eyes, I always pictured someone with dark hair and bright eyes to counter him." I stiffen slightly. I'm not like that. Well, maybe with the eyes, but not the hair. "It wasn't until I saw you two together that I realized red was what he needed. You suit him so well that I don't know how I ever imagined something else." I smile and relax again.

"Thank you, Emma," I whisper as I reach up and squeeze her hand.

"I know how you're feeling today," she whispers as if she doesn't want Brandon listening in. He can still hear everything going on in this room of course with his enhanced hearing, but hopefully he'll take the hint and try to butt out. "When I was introduced to the pack for the first time as their Luna, I'm pretty sure I hid in the bathroom up until an hour before we had to leave the house." My eyes snap open as I stare up at her in surprise.

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