°~Chapter 5~°

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3rd Person P.O.V

There was silence in the room,the only noise was the grand clock in the room,ticking.

Ray smirked "What's are you saying?What's wrong,Norman?" Ray questioned his albino friend "You already know by now,right?" Norman said,Ray kept listening "I set a trap for three people.To Don,I said the rope was under my bed. To Gilda,I said the rope was at the second floor bathroom's ceiling." Norman explained

"That's what I told you,Ray.But actually, I told Don it was in the dining hall,and to Gilda it was in the library." Norman said,Ray's smirked was now a frown "Then,the rope that was under my bed disappeared." Norman look at the raven-ette "Then what about the other two locations?"

"Should we go check on them now?" Norman asked,there was a moment of silence again,Ray flop on top of Norman's bed. He put his hand over his eyes,his chuckled and started laughing like a maniac "Dang and here I thought I was doing so well." Ray sat up from Norman's bed

"That's right." Ray said "I am mama's spy.When did you start suspecting me?" Ray questioned the albino "The day Sister came to the house." Norman said,walking in front of the raven-ette "I was disgusted with myself for thinking such a thing. You were the first person I suspected." Norman said

"Even though you're my friend.I just wished it wasn't true." Norman said "It was my supposition for the worst case.But for us,it would be the most problematic if you're the traitor. And from the enemy's point of view,it would be the most beneficial if you're the traitor." Norman explained "You can give opinions to our plans,and from the perspective of controlling the situation,it's perfect.No one else fit the job better." Norman said

"And that's why you suspected me." Ray said looking at the albino "And that's how I walked into your trap,huh?"

"One more thing.Ray,you're not a traitor who was set up just for this matter,right?" Norman walk closer to the raven-ette "Mom would never trust a sudden tip or impromptu spy." Norman bend down to Ray face "How long have you been mama's spy?" Norman questioned "From a long time ago." Ray said with a smirk,Norman eyes widen from his words

"I've been mama's subordinate for a long time. Basically,a sheepdog for a shepherd." Ray exclaimed "You knew about everything and assisted mama this whole time?" Norman questioned "Yeah." That's all Ray reply with

"Was everything a lie?And the time spent preparing for things with Emma,(Y/n) and me?" Norman questioned again "What and how much did you tell mama?The tracking devices can be broken,right?"

"What's the point in asking that?Depending on the answer,will you cut me off?" Ray questioned "I won't.I'll have you by our side,as you've always been." Norman said,Ray drop his smile "Aren't you glad?You can continue to hide the mistake you made.You wanted to keep spying on us,even if meant framing Don,right?" Norman said,with a smile

"What do you want?" Ray asked "Three things." Norman said,holding up three fingers "One,continue to spend time with us like before and guarantee our safety.Two,release all the information you have to us.Three,come to our side." Ray flinch at his third sentence

"And become for our team instead." Putting his hands behind him "Your ganna use me as your trump card?" Ray questioned,Norman hum in response "Are you an idiot?If that was your objective from the beginning,you should've kept quiet and used me.Just forcibly utilize me and the abandon me when you execute the plan.That would've been the better method." Ray explained

"You're right,but..." Ray look up at the albino,Norman look up at the side "They said we're family that grew up together." Norman look back at the raven-ette,walking to the dresser beside his bed and sitting on top of it,he spoke again "That's why I changed my mind.I want to believe in you,too.That you're my friend before my enemy." Norman said,and continuing

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