| 16 | Bff

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Veer's pov:

Wtf is he doing here
Wait don't tell me he is noor boyfriend

"What happened Veer Are you okay" Meera  asked i Nodded

Then Bani came and went to open the door  "Veer Meera dii why are you guys standing here Rahul is waiting outside"

"Sweetheart wait" i said but she already opened the door fuck

And I turned my back is facing him
"Hey Bani wassup" He said

"Rahul How are you" Meera asked
"I'm Good Meera" he said

I thought I will escape from here as i was  about to go My Sweetheart called me

I cursed myself what a timing isn't it
I turned to him because I have no option

He is shocked seeing me here I'm also ahem
"No Way" he said "i know" i said

"Bani" he said pointing to Her i nodded
"Noor" i said pointing towards her he nodded

We both looked at each other for few secs
Then we burst into laughter

"Oh My god i can't believe this" he screamed
He hugged me and I also hugged him

"Sorry He is Crazy" i said
"I know" Noor replied as he glared at her

"Wait You both know each other" Bani asked
She looked at us confused

"He is my Best friend" he said
"Yeah unfortunately he is" i said

They all laughed as he rolled his eyes
"Wait how do you know eachother" Noor asked

"We are friends since childhood Uncle"
Shit I have to stop him
I started coughing

"Veer what happened" Bani said
"Noor bring water"Meera said

"Sweetheart I'm fine go and bring the cake
Meera you also help her" i said she still looked at me concerned

"I'm fine Rahul is with me right"they nodded and thank god they left

"Veeru are you ok and what's happening" he asked i nodded

"Nobody know that I'm Veeranshu Singhania and I told them that I work at a company" i said

"Why" he frowned i signed
"Because I don't want them to think that I'm a Playboy are using her i don't want her to misunderstand me" i said

"Yeah but i know Bani she is not like that but i understand and tell her the truth at the right time" he said

"I'll tell her soon" I nodded

'I know how much you love Bani and she is like a sister to me I know you will always make her happy"

I smiled and hugged him back!
"I'm lucky to have you"
"Me to!...."

Then we cut the cake at this happy moment
We all danced and had so much fun

"I don't want this moment to end" Bani said
I smiled at her and kissed her forehead

"We'll always be Happy like this right" she asked i nodded and smiled
"Yeah i promise"i whispered.


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