Wait...He Looks Familiar

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Sora's POV

I woke up at 7am really tired, I don't know why I was tired I went to bed really early last night, I turned around on the bed to see Jaxx sleeping peacefully, he looked so cute, so I leaned closer to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to sleep for another hour until I hear voices downstairs.

Sora mumbling: I guess everyone is already awake

I sighed, got up and left Jaxx in the bed to see what everyone was talking about. I heard they was talking about how exited they were to meet the new members.

Sora's mind: Oh yeah I completely forgot we're having new members today

Alex saw me and told me to get ready because they are both coming at 12pm.

I ran upstairs, got in the shower and got dressed, after I was done I saw Jaxx was awake and about to go in the shower so I waited for him, after we was both ready. We went downstairs hand in hand again and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. I wanted pancakes but he made eggs and bacon so I guess that's cool too. After he made the breakfast we went to the dining room to see Levi eating Happy Burger.

Sora: Levi why are you eating Happy Burger in the morning?

Levi: Why not? You know I love my Happy Burger

Me and Jaxx laughed, we sat down and ate our breakfast. After that we went to the living room where everyone was and had a  chat while waiting for the new members.

Time Skip To 12pm

Everyone was talking until we heard a knock on the door we all rushed to it and Alex opened the door, when she opened it there was a short girl with rose gold hair and a tall guy with black hair and red highlights. Wait a minute...I think I know him...

Jaxx's POV

The new members were at the door so we let them in, I looked at Sora to see his eyes widen and his jaw drop, I was confused for a second then realised he was staring at one of the new members, it was the guy, I was jealous, did he like him? No! He has me. I looked back at the new guy to see a big smile on his face as his eyes widen, I could tell he was happy to see Sora but Sora wasn't happy to see him.

Guy Squad Member: SORA!? :D

Sora: N-no, it can't be...

The guy jumped on Sora and gave him a huge hug saying how much he missed him and he was thinking about him everyday, I was mad and tried to get him off my boyfriend. I managed to get him off and said.


He slowly turned to look at me and stared at me. He then looked back at Sora.

Jaxx's mind: That was creepy...

I saw Sora was uncomfortable and didn't want him to be here, Sora didn't say anything, then I looked back at the squad to see them just standing there with a shocked expression on their face.

Light: Welp, that just happened...

Alex: Ok um, how about we all go to the living room and introduce ourselves

Sora's pov

I was so shocked to see him here, why, why does he have to be here I got away from that psyco for a reason. Alex introduced the new members to us, she started with the girl.

Alex: Ok so this is Ayu, as you can see she is going to be rose gold

Ayu: Hello everybody like Alex said I'm Ayu, I can't wait to start making fun videos with you all

She has a soft and calming voice, kinda like an anime girl

Alex: And this is James, I'm guessing you and Sora already know each other?

James: Yes that's right, we actually used to da-


For some reason I didn't want the squad to know we used to be together I just thought if they knew they would make things a little awkward. After we introduced ourselves everyone went to do their own thing, I went to my room and thought about how bad having James in the squad would be, I really wanted to tell Alex about getting him out of the squad but if I done that I'd have to tell her about us dating and I didn't want to do that. So instead I just shoved it off and tried to think about it like a good thing.

Alex's POV

An hour had passed and the new squad members have settled in nicely and everyone was getting along, everything was going just as I imagined, accept for one thing, Sora, I don't know what his problem was but ever since the new members got here he's been acting miserable and I saw him giving dirty looks (like this:😒) to James a couple of times so mabey I should talk to him.

I go upstairs to see what's up with Sora, I opened the door to Sora's room to see him pinned down on the bed by James with his hoodie off, I was shocked, what if Jaxx saw, I didn't know what to do or say, I just stood there in shock.

Sora: Alex it-it's not what it looks like, he's trying to get all over me, help 😣

Alex: James I-, you do know he's taken right?

James: Oh I'm not on top of him like that, I'm on top of him because he has a hoodie on that I bought him a long time ago that I want back


Alex's mind: No longer together?What is he talking about?

James: Oh yeah? Who said that hmm?


James: And where is this rule book of yours, HUH?

Alex: Guys stop fighting, James get off Sora please, everything was going so well with the new members and stuff but you just had to fight, it's always you Sora getting into fights and arguments, can't you just get along?

Sora: Oh so you're blaming ME now, when HE'S the one in the wrong

Alex: I'm not blaming you, I'm just saying, you're always the first one getting into fights when you meet someone new, it happened with Jaxx

Sora: WHAT'S THAT GOT TO DO WITH THE SITUATION?! UGH, whatever I'm going outside

Alex: No Sora wait

Sora stormed out of the room, grabbed his hoodie, put it on and went outside, I looked at James who was sitting on Sora's bed and asked.

Alex: Why do you even need his hoodie back anyway?

James: Because when I'm feeling lonely I can smell it, and think of the good times we used to have together while breathing in his sent

...I-, did I hear that correctly...?

Alex: Umm ok? Heh 😅

I ran downstairs, into the living room to watch TV and to forget about what just happened.

So that was part two I hope you liked it and part one.
Obviously this one is longer lol so yeah, the new members in this story are made up lol, I don't know what else to put so bai till next time, things might start to get interesting :)

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