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Light morning raindrops tapping against the windowpanes.

The slow and steady rhythm of the human heart. Calm breathing upon white sheets and pillowcases, with raven black hair cast upon them as a stark contrast.

Of all the things within Felix's reach, that familiar head of dark hair on the pillow next to him was his favorite by far, and his right hand was buried in it, for no particular reason at all.

There was no clock visible in the small bedroom, but by the dim light outside the window, one could wager the time to be that of early morning.

Felix quietly yawned to himself as he sat up and scanned around the bedroom, having not seen it in the morning light before. He had no idea for how long he'd slept, and memories of the previous night were hazy at best.

A glance to his right provided a view of the warm body huddled under the blankets next to him— a body known as Hyunjin, in his usual spot for resting as of late.

Something about the sight of the boy, fast asleep, was such a temptation to return to slumber as well. Felix was overcome with the urge to lie back down, closer to him than before. To rest with the tip of his nose against the exposed back of Hyunjin's neck, as a little sign of affection without words.

But he was a coward.
So Felix lied back down on his side, head turned to silently gaze at the sleeping face of the older boy.
The rain continued to fall outside, and became a white noise, almost tempting him back into oblivion by its sound.

That one word could describe all of the sensations plaguing his mind. The temperature of the blankets covering him, and from the proximity of the boy next to him. The heat rushing to his face in a nervous flood as he noticed Hyunjin's hands resting on the mattress between them, and immediately knew what he was about to do.

A shaky exhale left him as Felix carefully took one of Hyunjin's empty hands and held it between both of his own. It wasn't as if Felix hadn't done this before, but the anxiousness still remained strong.

Yet, the vague memories of the night before were growing ever-clearer. In a moment of unrestrained desire, Felix carefully brought Hyunjin's hand up towards his face and rested it on his cheek, gently holding it in place.

Felix knew he was a touchy person. He always had been. But he knew the heaven-on-earth feeling that came from being held in this way probably couldn't be replicated with just anyone.

So, he waited. Only his thoughts accompanied him, aside from the occasional distant movement from far away in the house, likely the other occupants waking up and getting ready for the day ahead.

Eventually, feeling a bit impatient, Felix reached over and pulled the blankets away from the boy across from him, hoarding them all for himself. This seemed to do the trick, because within a few minutes, the unconscious boy began to stir, faced with the harsh morning air.

"Hey..." came the slightly annoyed voice of Hyunjin, eyes barely open as he struggled to adjust his vision to the brightness of the room.

"Hey," Felix spoke innocently, as if unaware of what he'd done.

"No... hey, as in, give me the blanket back," Hyunjin mumbled, lazily reaching a hand out to grasp at the fabric that had been stolen from him.

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