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Sora's POV

Hello my name is Sora, I am a member of the Inquisitormaster squad, everything here is chill in the squad house, well it's more of a mansion but anyway we're having fun. I like to cuddle and hang out with with Jaxx a lot when we're not recording.

It was 1pm and me and Jaxx were just cuddling in Jaxx's room until we heard Alex call us to a squad meeting.

Alex: Sora, Jaxx come downstairs we have exiting news to tell you

Jaxx: Ok Alex, alright Sora let's go

Sora: But I want to cuddle some more :(

Jaxx: We can cuddle after Alex tells us whatever she has to say

Jaxx got up and opened the door, he stood there, turned around to look at me still lying on the bed and said.

Jaxx: Come on baby let's go

Sora: ugh fine

I dragged myself out of bed and walked downstairs hand in hand with Jaxx. Once we got down in the living room we saw the whole squad sitting on the sofas, Alex, Light, Charli, Levi and Luca, we sat down with them and that's when Alex told us the news.

Alex: Sooo, you know how there's only seven members of the squad here, well I decided to make it nine because there will be two new squad members joining us tomorrow :D


Luca: Oooo, I can't wait to meet them

Light: Oh cool I hope they're fun to hang around with

Levi mumbling: Great, more idiots that will annoy me -_-, I mean that's wonderful heh heh

Sora: ooo ooo what's their names :D

Jaxx: Are they a boy, girl or both

Alex: Hehe you'll find out tomorrow

All but Levi: Aww but Alex :(

Alex: Tee Hee, anyway that's all I have to say so you guys can go back to do what you was doing now

Everyone went back to do what they was doing before Alex called a meeting, I obviously went back to cuddle with Jaxx, I was so excited to see the new squad members tomorrow, I know this will be fun.

We have two hours until we record a video for the fans so I just went down to the kitchen to grab a snack because I was hungry, I opened the cupboard to see it packed full with bags of gummy worms, I knew thease were Light's, he had so many, he wouldn't notice if I took a bag would he? I stood there thinking if I should take one or not, I mean I am a bit hungry, so I just took one, closed the cupboard and turned around to see Light standing there with and angry expression on his face and his arms crossed

Sora's mind: Oh shit

Light: Sora, what do you think you're doing with that bag of MY gummy worms

Sora: Well I-I thought I could have a pack since you have erm, so many heh

Light just stared at me with his arms still crossed looking angry then said.

Light: Oh ok, you can have have a few packs, just don't eat them all though

Sora: Ok, thank you Light

Sora's mind: Phew

I ran upstairs to Jaxx's room with the gummy worms to see him watching a movie on his laptop so I joined him while we ate the gummies, after the movie it was time to record a video so we done it, after we recorded I checked the time, it was 5pm, so it took us two hours to record, I was so tired after that so I went to my room, grabbed my rainbow pajamas (😏) then went back to Jaxx's room to go to sleep.

I wanted to go to bed early so I can wake up in time to meet the new members.

So that was part one the introduction, let me know what you think about it :)
Next part will be the new squad members joining so hope you will enjoy that one too.
Bai for now ^^

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