It was almost torture in itself, waiting to see what this new shape would be. After what seemed like a lifetime, its face came into focus, and it was defiantly not who she expected. James walked toward her, smiling, and for the first time, Lily had hope to get out of her torture.

            He held his hand out to her, and his smile silently cheered her on. She reached for him, stretching as far as her arm would let her. As soon as their hands touched, everything stopped. The gruesome faces disappeared, and she stopped falling. She was still vertical, so she lowered her feet to the ground, landing lightly right beside James. And in that moment, she realized she had always been falling uncontrollably. And James wasn’t there to catch her. He was right there with her.


            “Ms. Evans” A voice said, breaking through the darkness. “Ms. Evans.”

            Groggily, Lily’s eyes opened, hurting because of the bright lights. She blinked for a moment, the saw a smiling face above her. At least she thought it was smiling, but all she could see was a great white beard and small pearly white teeth.

            “Well good morning Ms. Evans!” Professor Dumbledore said, now obviously grinning. Lily sat up, ignoring the soreness of her muscles that seemed to have not been used for a while.

            “Um… Hello Professor.” She said tentatively. Even being Head girl, she had little direct contact with the Headmaster, and most certainly not like this. Dumbledore stared at her for a moment, looking over his crooked nose with twinkling eyes. All of the sudden she looked around and realized where she was. The hospital wing. Werewolf…Remus…Dog…Sirius…Stag…James! These thoughts when brokenly through her head like fireworks, and she felt a headache coming on.

            “Professor.” She said quietly as she didn’t know who might be listening. “Are they ok?” She didn’t specify who, but the look that passed over Dumbledore’s face showed he knew who she meant.

            “I figured you would ask about them first”, he said, his eyes seeming to twinkle even more. “Yes, they are no worse for the wear physically.” He didn’t continue even though Lily needed more information.

            “Um… physically sir?”

            “Well, all seemed upset, as could be expected.” Lily caught on quickly. Remus was always one to blame himself when things went wrong, even when they were out of his control.

            “Is Remus in trouble?” She fished, hoping that the answer was a good one.

            “Should he be?” Was his answer, a gray eyebrow raised to hear hers. He was obviously leaving the decision up to her, which she was grateful for. If it were anyone else she might say yes. But this was Remus, her sweet and lovable friend.

            “No.” She said confidently after a moment’s pause. “It was my fault.”

            “I see.” Standing, he smiled at her again, this time his eyes becoming mischievous. “Ms. Evans? If you wish, we can arrange an apparition to send you home for the holiday.” He walked toward the door, his hands folded behind his back. “Or to… wherever you feel you need to go.” He winked at her and left. And only then did she realize that the old headmaster was quite a matchmaker.

            A few hours later, Lily stood on the Potter’s doorstep, staring up at the grand house in front of her in awe. She had known James’ parents were rich, but this house was immaculate. She was almost afraid to walk to the door and knock, but that wasn’t entirely because of the house.

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