The Finding Of New Paths

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🤬 Foul language 🤬

The day came, when I would be permitted to stay with Kacchan. The villain known as Dabi, was nowhere to be found; so for my safety, I would live with Katsuki. Work wouldn't be a problem, as I often could write in any place I came upon. Finding new experiences helped my creativity, and Kacchan was definitely a new adventure. The explosive ash-blonde alpha had calmed down considerably since the last time I saw him, so although he matured on that level, it didn't stop him from being a prideful, stubborn man who couldn't express himself without blowing the other person up from embarrassment.

    "You ready to grab shit from your place, Nerd?" His usual gruff, and dominant voice broke me from the small trance I had been in. While clutching my twitching hands together in my lap I took a deep breath to steady my racing heart. Katsuki walked over, placing a hand on my head and ruffling up the loose curls before pushing my head down lightly. His soft chuckle spread warmth in my chest as he moved back to the door. "Don't look so nervous, I'm not gonna bite you."

I let the air I had been holding in since he approached leave my body, a weight falling off my chest from those few seconds of panic. His eyes searched mine as I lifted my head to meet his gaze. Those swirling res irises seemed to engulf me once again, heating my body on fire. I was again forced to realize just how handsome Katsuki really was. It was no wonder my heart raced whenever he was around, and although I've grown up from the puppy love phase of my youth, Katsuki still knew how to bring out the flustered little boy in me. He was, after all, my first real love.

Smiling gently I pumped my fist in front of my chest, determined to not lose myself to the battle of nerves I felt. "I'm ready."


Kacchan let me steal one of his massive bedrooms, with a connecting bath and walk-in closet. The room was the size of my old apartments living room, bedroom, and kitchen all in one. It had three walls of beige, and an accent wall of a deep maroon that reminded me of Kacchans eyes. The carpet was a darkened grey that was soft on the feet. Cherrywood furniture made up the dresser, two nightstands on each side of the bed, a bed frame that had a headboard piece of shelves reaching up to the middle of the pillars, and a desk. Black sheer curtains wrapped around the pillars to close off the bed when desired. The bedding was black, with deep green strokes going around to look like northern lights. The bed was placed on the accent wall in the middle, the dresser on the right side beside the closet. The desk on the left side with a few more bookshelves around it's set up. The bathroom door was directly across the bed, it's doors were dark brown double doors leading into stone marble tiles and flooring. The countertop, sink, shower, and bath a black chrome that also had specks of dark green and maroon. All together the place was dark, yet felt refreshingly like home.

Kacchans place looked normal on the outside, yet it was a mansion on the inside. The underground section being his main living quarters while the top was purely for "decoration" as he had said. The set up was simple, and clean to appear like a high class home. The basement entrance is located in his office, standing in place of a closet. The idea was actually quite genius, and gave security to my growing doubts. The deep hazeling eyes of the fire user haunted my thoughts, following in the shadows everywhere I went. I could still feel their disgust gaze over my body, as if I had been gum beneath his shoe. The feeling was cold, sending shivers down my spine at the very memory.

'I Destroyed Books, huh?' Guess that means he found out my identity, a soft sigh escaped my dry, parted lips. This is exactly why I didn't want my real name on those covers. My stories weren't supposed to make people happy, they were just a way for me to vent out my desires and lost dreams without hurting the people I loved. I ran calloused hands down my face, an exasperated frown etching itself across my features. Pathetic. I couldn't even save people with my writing, instead turning them further down the shadowing alleys of villainy. Looking over to my right I saw my reflection peering back from the bathroom mirror, dark circles lining my eyes, and my usually messy curls seemed especially unruly. Walking over to the open door, I turn on the facet, splashing the water on my face to try and wake it up. I wasn't particularly healthy in the first place, so there wasn't much I could do. The paleness seeped through my reddened cheeks, outlining my panda eye from days of sleepless nights.

"Oi, Nerd." The thundering knock startled me as his voice chased after, a surprised squeak escaping my parted lips in protest before I met his eyes. Worry laced his crimson irises, but his usual scowl permeated his structure. The worry flashed quickly, turning into irritation at my lack of response, earning me a small growl from the explosive ash blonde alpha.

"S-sorry Kacchan! What did you say?" I reached up to scratch the back of my head as a nervous smile parted my chapped, pale lips. I had been so focused on my thoughts I didn't realize he had even come in. Watching as he moved to sit on the edge of my bed, careful of the boxes still littering my unpacked room, I let out a shaky breath.

"Well first of all, I asked if you wanted home cooked food or take out? What's up with you though, you've been pussy footing around me and it's starting to piss me off. I'm not gonna hurt ya so just chill out, and reign in your stressed out scent." Although he was pinching his nose in disgust his face held a softness to it, like he wasn't as angry as he let on. Seeing as I wasn't responding, he stood back up and walked towards me. Hands wrapped around my smaller figure before landing on the base of my back, he pushed my head into the crook of his neck before releasing calming pheromones. Without warning a gentle purr vibrated through my chest, catching us both by surprise. My face heated up at the sound, and I quickly pushed him away before turning around and covering my face with my hands.

Katsukis voice shocked me out of my embarrassment as he chuckled. The tone was deep, but airy like he just couldn't get a grasp on it. His hands snaked around my waist once more, pulling me closer. Warm breath tickled my neck as he sniffed my nape, releasing me after a few moments with a sigh of relief. "That's better."

I turned around to watch as he stood in my doorway, phone in hand. "I'm going to order Thai tonight, that okay?"

I nodded, unable to use my vocals to respond, too afraid of my nerves kicking in. Once he left, closing the door with him, I sunk to the floor, face still flushed. 'This is going to be one interesting journey.' As I thought that, I noticed his scent still lingering in the room, and smiled. Kacchan was back in my life again, things were starting to get better, at least for a little while, I'd savor this adventure.

Kirya here. My apologies for taking so long with this chapter. Life has been taking it's time to heal my blockage.

Please enjoy this next chapter!!🖤

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