Episode 6: Strategy Meeting! A Group Effort!!

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*Selena and Farr were forming their plan for Alena, Farr was still unsure if they should be doing this.. They both knew Alena wasn't someone they should mess with*

Farr: Are you positively sure we should be doing this, if this fails then who knows what Alena is going to do to us!?

Selena: It'll be fine! Besides, my strategy is perfect. There's no way Alena is gonna lose with a plan like this.

Farr: But the issue is getting her to listen to us, trying to reason with her will be like trying to talk to a brick wall!! And besides, what do we get from this?

Selena: I want to know more about Alena. She might be a sinister tyrant but that's what makes her interesting, if we're gonna make our new beys then we need to get in the head of Alena Yagami.

Farr: Well whatever floats your boat..

*Later that day, Selena went to Alena's mansion to tell her about the plan. When she finally gets there, Alena was already leaving for training*

Selena: Hey Alena!

*Alena rolled her eyes and sighed completely annoyed*

Alena: You again? What do you want?

Selena: I, Selena Kurenai have a strategy for you!

*Alena wheezed and started to laugh like a maniac*

Alena: YOU? A STRATEGY FOR ME?! Wow you are funny, thanks for the laugh.

*Alena continued walking as Selena looked back and watched her*

Selena: You know, if you cooperate and listen to what I have to say then I can guarantee you a victory against Vala.

*Alena turned and looked at the girl with a skeptical expression, her opposite colored eyes glistening in the sun*

Alena: A guaranteed win?

*Selena nodded with a sincere smile*

Selena: Of course, i want to beat Vala just as much as you do. My plan is foolproof.

*Alena sighed, reluctantly agreeing*

Alena: Fine, i'll listen to your strategy.. I've hit rock bottom anyway...

*Selena told Alena her plan to beat Vala, Meanwhile Rangelina was in her basement creating her new Ragnaruk*

Rangelina: This is it, a bey that not even Alena will be able to beat.. A stronger, better Ragnaruk!

*Rangelina smirked as her new bey proceeded to near its completion, a raging inferno surrounding her as she worked, signifing an explosive bond*

|The Next Day|

*School ended and Alena's rematch with Vala had finally came, Alena decided to stick with Selenas strategy and go with Speed Mode*

Vala: Speed Mode huh..? So she's gonna rely on speed over power, in that case i'll crush her with Valkyries sword in Power Mode

*Alena looked over at Selena who nodded at her, Alena couldn't help but smile a bit*

Alena: Don't worry Selena, i trust you and your plan and regardless if it works, i will still win! You just be sure to watch closely.

Selena: You've got this Alena, my plan will work..

Selena: First Battle! Ready, set!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*both beys land in the stadium and Anahel rushes forward and zooms around the stadium at top speed*

Vala: So fast!!

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