Chapter 2-Coffee Shop

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Mordecai. Twilight is ditching her work, her morals and her responsibilities for a bird named Mordecai. Not that she didn't want to of course, coffee with a handsome stranger who doesn't yell at you for spilling his coffee on him would be a dream come true for anyone. Lost in her thoughts, Twilight was pulled back into reality when she heard
"What do you want to order?" Mordecai was sitting across from Twilight, leaning his muscular arms on the small, brown, wooden table with an unwavering smile perfectly centred on his charming face. Waiting patiently as always, he remained sitting there looking like a model as a discombobulated Twilight stressed over what drink to order.
"Uh, I'll just get a mocha, I-I'll pay so don't fuss."
Twilight stuttered as she went to get up.
"It's all good, I got it!" Mordecai said smoothly, he had beat her to it and was already headed towards the coffee counter.

Right, Twilight thought, now that she had time alone she would take a moment collect herself so she didn't make a fool of herself anymore. But she had just spilled coffee all over Mordecai's jumper, she should be the one paying for the coffee! She dashed over to the coffee counter just as Mordecai handed some money to the cashier.
"I'll bring it to table two." The cashier grumbled, and Twilight sprinted back to the table in embarrassment. Out of breath, Twilight forced a smile as Mordecai reached the table and sat down across from her again.
"So...," Mordecai said hesitantly, "I didn't catch your name?." If Twilight wasn't embarrassed enough already, she had forgot to tell this man whom she'd just robbed of a coffee her name.
"Guh, I'm so sorry, my name's Twilight, Twilight Sparkle." She said speedily, surprisingly without fumbling over her words. Mordecai's eyes lit up at the fact that she managed to utter a full sentence.
"So Twilight, Twilight Sparkle that is, what was it that had you in such a rush this morning that you had to mutilate my poor hoodie? Not that I care a whole lot of course, but I would like to know what was troubling a pretty girl like you." Staring at his stained hoodie, Twilight's thoughts raced as she tried to compile a reason as to why she ruined his hoodie and probably his day. Wait, did he call her pretty?
"Here's your order." Bluntly stated a grumpy waitress with a stained outfit and rotting shoes, as she placed a mocha and a black coffee on the table.

Saved from further embarrassment by a waitress, thank god, Twilight thought. This day simply couldn't get any more confusing or awkward or stressful. She furrowed her brows, off in her own crazy world again when she paused and noticed Mordecai looking at her intensely. He softened his alluring gaze and said,
"Well then," as he effortlessly took a sip of his black coffee, "To Twilight Sparkle." He smiled coyly, and took another sip.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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